• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Environmental Resource Guide

Photo of Levy Park Conservancy Levy Park Conservancy
(713) 522-7275

Purpose: Levy Park is a six acre public green space in the Upper Kirby District which recently reopened after a $15 million renovation for the purpose of creating an entertainment and recreation destination for the immediate community and for the people of Greater Houston. The Upper Kirby Redevelopment Authority in partnership with the Upper Kirby District Foundation, funded the renovation and Levy Park’s many public amenities.…

Photo of Friends of Woodland Park Friends of Woodland Park
(713) 862-1520

Purpose: The Friends of Woodland Park, Inc. (FWP) is dedicated to preserving the park’s natural habitat along with its unique historical significance to the City of Houston, and to providing for the enjoyment and education of all who visit.

Publications: Subscribe to email newsletter.

Programs: Trails at Twilight Gala,

Bird watching monthly.…

Photo of Bayou Land Conservancy Bayou Land Conservancy
(281) 576-1634

Purpose: Bayou Land Conservancy is a community-sponsored land preservation organization to permanently protect land, with a focus on the 13 watersheds that feed Lake Houston. We preserve river and bayou corridors, other properties with significant wildlife habitat value, and places where family recreation can occur in harmony with nature.

Jill Boullion, Executive Director

Becky Martinez, Conservation Director

Cherie Wilson, Office Administrator

Photo of Discovery Green Conservancy Discovery Green Conservancy

Barry Mandel, President and Park Director

Maria Aguirre, Executive Assistant

Purpose: To provide an uncommonly beautiful, urban green space in the heart of Houston that serves as a village green for our city, a source of health and happiness for our citizens, and a window into the incredible diversity of talents and traditions that enrich life in Houston.…

Photo of Sheldon State Park and Envir. Learning Center Sheldon State Park and Envir. Learning Center
(281) 456-2800

Purpose: Sheldon Lake State Park & Environmental Learning Center is a 2,800-acre outdoor education and recreation facility located in northeast Harris County. It offers year round adult and family programs and activities as well as field trip opportunities for students of all ages. Beginning in 2003, the park is became an important restoration site for tall grass prairie.…

Photo of Big Thicket Association Big Thicket Association
(409) 790-5399

Purpose: The Big Thicket Association’s mission is to preserve, protect, and promote the Big Thicket region, its natural resources and cultural history, for enjoyment and well-being of present and future generations through advocacy, education, and research.

Major Programs: Neches River Adventures - a three tiered program that conducts (Tier 1) outdoor classes, (Tier 2) public and (Tier 3) private eco-history tours aboard the Ivory Bill and on the Neches River.…

Photo of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, South Texas Local Section American Institute of Chemical Engineers, South Texas Local Section

Purpose: To support the membership’s technical objectives through education, service, and fellowship.

Meetings: First Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m., Sept. through June. Please check the website for speaker, location, and topic.

Programs: Continuing education workshops at monthly meetings, which include environmental and process safety.

Major Events: Cosponsor Energy Conservation Forum with Texas Industries of the Future twice per year.…

Photo of City of Houston Green Building Resource Center City of Houston Green Building Resource Center
(832) 394-9050

Purpose: To enable the public to experience and learn more about healthy and energy, water, and material conserving design and construction; also known as Green Building.

Steven M. Stelzer, AIA, LEED AP, Program Director

Photo of American Institute of Architects, Houston American Institute of Architects, Houston
(713) 520-0155

Purpose: To promote the aesthetic, scientific, and practical efficiency of the architecture profession; to advance the science and art of planning and building; to coordinate the building industry and the profession of architecture; to ensure the advancement of the living standard of people and to make the profession one of ever-increasing service to society.…

Photo of Transition Houston Transition Houston

Purpose: Transition Houston serves to build on the wisdom of the existing resources in Houston’s diverse community to inspire, network and train localized communities to consider and adapt Rob Hopkins’ transition model. Together we can unite pools of ingenuity and skills to unleash the collective genius of our own people in finding self-determined solutions.…

Photo of The Woods Project, Inc. The Woods Project, Inc.
(281) 371-6696

Purpose: To develop leadership capacity and life skills in low income youth through a series of outdoor education/environmental awareness programs at wilderness sites in the United States. Goals: • To prepare students for college and beyond by fostering life skills and mindsets through outdoor education; • To provide hands-on science lessons in a natural environment; • To empower students to take advantage of leadership opportunities; • To teach students how to adapt to/accept and engage in foreign environments; and • To give students the opportunity to succeed in new endeavors.…

Photo of Keep Houston Beautiful Keep Houston Beautiful
(713) 839-8855

Purpose: To achieve sustainable community improvement by providing programs that educate the public, combat blight, prevent litter, minimize waste and beautify Houston’s public spaces.

Programs: Adopt-A-Block and Adopt-A-Ditch Program; weekend cleanups and tool lending library; community beautification and edible community garden projects; civic leader and teacher training workshops. Teacher worksheets are available on the website for classroom use.…

Photo of Artist Boat Artist Boat
(409) 770-0722

Purpose: Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness and preservation of coastal margins and the marine environment through the disciplines of the sciences and the arts. Programs: Eco-Art Adventures via kayak, vessel, or walking, and summer camps Professional development & environmental stewardship programs, with special opportunities for oil and gas companies Eco-Art Residencies in Schools integrating the arts and sciences to create public sculptures and habitats on campuses Habitat Restoration Adventure Program, focused on stewardship-based learning through dune and coastal prairie preservation Boy and Girl Scout badge classes Classroom presentations and speakers that coincide with curriculum Gulf ‘Coast Education Center: K-Grey can learn about the ecological, social, and economic value of coastal ecosystems.

Photo of Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition
(281) 469-5161

Purpose: A coalition of municipal utility districts, homeowner associations and other community organizations functioning as a steward between the residents, local/state government, land developers and non-profits to work on planning and implementation of improved flood protection and environment preservation throughout the Cypress Creek watershed.

Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 p.m., at Lake Forest Utility District, 14223 Lakewood Forest Dr.…

Photo of Vegan for Life Vegan for Life
(832) 202-3806

Purpose: Vegan for Life’s mission is to educate the public about the benefits of a plant-based diet, including the prevention of unnecessary killing and mistreatment of animals, protection of the environment, and good health. Vegan for Life aims to increase recognition of veganism as an effective approach that individuals can take to help save the planet and spread compassion.…

Photo of Coalition for Environment, Equity, and Resilience (CEER) Coalition for Environment, Equity, and Resilience (CEER)

Purpose: To raise awareness of the connections between pollution, place and the public’s health. CEER envisions a region that is equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically strong; where residents have the opportunity to live, work, learn, play, and pray free from environmental hazards. CEER advocates for public and private investment in protecting communities by cleaning up hazards that contaminate air, water, and land.…

Photo of Blackwood Land Institute Blackwood Land Institute
(888) 741-7199

Purpose: Blackwood Educational Land Institute is an ecosystem and living classroom that inspires and teaches students of all ages to explore the natural web of life and to develop a healthy, respectful relationship with nature.

Major Events: Counselor Training Week, Blackwood Nature Camp Weeks, Edible Garden Tour, Sustainability Bike Ride

Children’s Activities: Blackwood Educational Land Institute reconnects children to nature through hands-on experiences that teach them about food and where it comes from, the value of community and collaboration, and the pleasure of being outdoors.…

Photo of Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council
(409) 789-8125

Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council’s (GINTC) mission is to connect people with Galveston’s natural environment.

Purpose:Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council is a non-profit, community-based volunteer organization that supports and develops nature-based educational and recreational activities, and promotes the value of area natural habitats and resources.

Interest in nature tourism is on the rise.…

Photo of KPFT 90.1 FM KPFT 90.1 FM
(713) 526-4000 offices

Purpose: To establish a foundation organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes, in which no part of the net earnings inures to the benefit of any member of the Foundation. We promote and aid other creative activities which will serve the cultural welfare of the community, and offer performance facilities to amateur musical performers, choral groups, orchestral groups and music students.…

Photo of Mercer Botanic Gardens Mercer Botanic Gardens
(713) 274-4160

Purpose: Mercer Botanic Gardens (MBG) seeks to establish and maintain a versatile botanical facility for Houston and the greater Gulf Coast region, serving the general public, the horticulture industry, and the scientific community. MBG strives to improve  quality of life and inspire greater appreciation for the essential value and beauty of the plant world.…

The CEC has a searchable, web-based version of the Environmental Resource Guide. You may also download older versions of the printed guide below.

Archived Resource Guides

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