• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Environmental Resource Guide

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Photo of Houston Parks and Recreation Department Houston Parks and Recreation Department
(832) 395-7000

Purpose: To enhance the quality of urban life by providing safe, well-maintained parks and offering affordable programs for the community.

Major Events:

Jan – Arbor Day; Youth Tennis classes begin
Feb – Salt Grass Trail Ride; Adult sports leagues begin
Mar – Tour de Houston, Metal & Muscle Expo; Lake Houston Wilderness
Apr – Houston Children’s Festival, Japan ­Festival, Houston International Festival
May – Challenge Day, Summer Pool Opening
June – Summer Food Program begins, Golf Tourn; Hershey Track & Field Meet
Jul – Freedom Over Texas; Houston Pops July 4th Celebration
Oct – Asian-American Festival; Wildflower seed planting
Nov – Via Colori
Dec – Heritage Society Candlelight Tour, Holiday Tree Lighting
Year round – Lake Houston Park Nature Center events
School year – After School Enrichment Program

Volunteer Opportunities: Oneika McCarthy
(832) 395-7030 oneika.peters@houstontx.gov

Publications: Activities Catalog – Winter/Spring Issue Dec 1, Summer Issue
Apr 1, and Fall Issue Aug 1.…

Photo of American Institute of Architects, Houston American Institute of Architects, Houston
(713) 520-0155

Purpose: To promote the aesthetic, scientific, and practical efficiency of the architecture profession; to advance the science and art of planning and building; to coordinate the building industry and the profession of architecture; to ensure the advancement of the living standard of people and to make the profession one of ever-increasing service to society.…

Photo of American Youthworks Conservation Corps & AmeriCorps American Youthworks Conservation Corps & AmeriCorps
(512) 744-1900

Purpose: American YouthWorks provides young people with opportunities to build careers, strengthen communities, and improve the environment through education, on-the-job training, and service to others.


  • YouthBuild Austin is a youth services program that combines academics with career training, leadership development, and community service. For more information visit http://americanyouthworks.org/programs/youthbuild/
  • Texas Conservation Corps (TxCC) is a 21st Century Conservation Service Corps accredited program that empowers young people through AmeriCorps service, conservation, education, and jobs training.
Photo of Friends of Don Greene Friends of Don Greene

Purpose:  Engage. Educate. Empower. Providing opportunities for young people to learn about our environment and 21st Century Stewardship through engaging them, and providing knowledge and skills that empower them.  

Programs: Conservation projects, scout merit badges, science teacher training, afternoon story time, hands-on student ecosystem lessons in the one-acre Don Greene Nature Park.…

Photo of Galveston Ornithological Society Galveston Ornithological Society
(409) 370-1515

Purpose: This Ornithological Society is a group of friends of all ages in Galveston County, Texas, who share a love for learning about birds.

Programs: They have meetings and classes and birding trips like the Water Bird Workshop or Shorebird Seminar. Members have day and overnight field trips to observe birds in their natural setting.…

Photo of Rice Design Alliance Rice Design Alliance
(713) 348-5924

Purpose: Dedicated to the advancement of architecture, urban design, and the built environment in the Houston region through educational programs, the publication of Cite, and active programs to initiate physical improvements. By sponsoring lectures, seminars, symposia, exhibits, and tours, RDA seeks to involve the public.

Volunteer Opportunities: Docents needed for house tour, gala, and other events.…

Photo of Citizens’ Climate Lobby 3rd Coast Region Citizens’ Climate Lobby 3rd Coast Region
+1 619-437-7142

Purpose: To build political will for Congress to act on climate change.

Program: Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change.

Our consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations.…

Photo of Sierra Club – Hou. Regional Group Sierra Club – Hou. Regional Group

Purpose: To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; to practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Meetings: Second Thurs., 7:30 p.m., St.…

Photo of Houston Parks Board Houston Parks Board
(713) 942-8500

Purpose: The Houston Parks Board creates, improves, protects and advocates for parks for everyone.  HPB is driven by the vision of thriving parks and communities for everyone forever.

Programs: Parkland and greenspace acquisition; park capital improvement projects; collaboration with other green groups; Neighborhood Partnership Program; 50/50 Park Partners Challenge; Volunteer Program.…

Photo of Student Conservation Association Student Conservation Association
(713) 520-1835

Purpose: To build the next generation of conservation leaders and inspire stewardship of our environment and communities by engaging young people in hands-on service to the land.

Programs: A year-round volunteer program and a paid summer job opportunity for high school students, each featuring hands-on outdoor service learning, camping and outdoor recreation.…

Photo of Citizens’ Environmental Coalition Citizens’ Environmental Coalition

Purpose: CEC works to connect our environmental community. Our mission is to foster education, dialogue, and collaboration on environmental issues in the Houston/Gulf Coast region.

Photo of HARC HARC
(281) 364-6000

Purpose: HARC (the Houston Advanced Research Center) is a nonprofit research hub providing independent scientific analysis. HARC focuses on building a sustainable future that helps people thrive and nature flourish. Programs: HARC’s research focuses on air, water, energy, and resilience. Current research programs include Air Quality Science, Clean Energy Research, Hydrology and Watersheds, Energy Efficient Buildings, and the Environmentally Friendly Drilling Systems (EFD) Program.…

Photo of Artist Boat Artist Boat
(409) 770-0722

Purpose: Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness and preservation of coastal margins and the marine environment through the disciplines of the sciences and the arts. Programs: Eco-Art Adventures via kayak, vessel, or walking, and summer camps Professional development & environmental stewardship programs, with special opportunities for oil and gas companies Eco-Art Residencies in Schools integrating the arts and sciences to create public sculptures and habitats on campuses Habitat Restoration Adventure Program, focused on stewardship-based learning through dune and coastal prairie preservation Boy and Girl Scout badge classes Classroom presentations and speakers that coincide with curriculum Gulf ‘Coast Education Center: K-Grey can learn about the ecological, social, and economic value of coastal ecosystems.

Photo of Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church
(713) 782-8250

Purpose: Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church was chartered in 1960 to serve the growing western suburbs of Houston. Proudly recognized as a Welcoming Congregation (LGBTQ friendly), Emerson Church invites people of all races, ethnicity, ages, gender identities, and sexual orientations to join us. The congregation has the diversity of spiritual beliefs, cultural backgrounds and sexual orientations that make Unitarian Universalism such a dynamic faith.…

Photo of State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR)
(512) 828-6409

Purpose: To advance recycling through partnerships, education, and advocacy for the benefit of Texas.

Major Events: Annual Texas Recycling Summit– September 9-11, 2019 at the El Tropicano Hotel on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.

Texas Compost Summit– will take place October 2019. Date and location TBD.

Publications:  STAR is helping Texans to learn more about the recycling industry through free informational webinars and quarterly e-newsletters.…

Photo of Houston Botanic Garden Houston Botanic Garden
(713) 715-9675

Purpose: To establish and sustain a premier botanic garden to promote public appreciation and understanding of plants, gardens, and conservation of the natural world through education and scientific enquiry. Through discovery, education and the conservation of plants and the natural environment, the HBG aims to enrich lives, serve as a model for sustainability, and inspire all who visit to become environmental stewards.…

Photo of Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition
(281) 469-5161

Purpose: A coalition of municipal utility districts, homeowner associations and other community organizations functioning as a steward between the residents, local/state government, land developers and non-profits to work on planning and implementation of improved flood protection and environment preservation throughout the Cypress Creek watershed.

Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 p.m., at Lake Forest Utility District, 14223 Lakewood Forest Dr.…

Photo of Air Alliance Houston Air Alliance Houston
(713) 528-3779

Purpose: Houston’s leading health and clean air advocacy non-profit specializing in both the treetops and grassroots of environmental advocacy and organizing. Air Alliance Houston’s mission remains to reduce air pollution in the Houston region and to protect public health and environmental integrity through research, education, and advocacy.

Programs: Research, Education, and Advocacy, including Ozone Theater (air pollution education program with three curricula for grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8). Annual Earth Day Art Contest for grades 3-12, earthdayartcontest.org.…

Photo of KPFT 90.1 FM KPFT 90.1 FM
(713) 526-4000 offices

Purpose: To establish a foundation organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes, in which no part of the net earnings inures to the benefit of any member of the Foundation. We promote and aid other creative activities which will serve the cultural welfare of the community, and offer performance facilities to amateur musical performers, choral groups, orchestral groups and music students.…

Photo of Citizens’ Transportation Coalition Citizens’ Transportation Coalition
(832) 768-5258

Purpose: Founded in 2004, the CTC is an all-volunteer grassroots transportation advocacy organization. The Citizens’ Transportation Coalition advocates for a broad-based public educational and planning process to identify neighborhood aspirations, influences projects to achieve the best transportation options, and engages our communities in designing a complete multimodal transportation system that serves us all.

Dexter Handy, Chair

Carol Caul, Advocacy Chair
Ed Browne, Science and Technology Chair

The CEC has a searchable, web-based version of the Environmental Resource Guide. You may also download older versions of the printed guide below.

Archived Resource Guides

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