2020 Wild About Houston: A Green Film Festival

In 2015, the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition brought the Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour to Houston for the first time, selling out the first showing and sharing the festival with an audience of thousands in following years. Despite the enthusiastic reception, CEC quickly realized that, while the WSFF was inspiring and meaningful, it did not showcase local environmental stories, issues, and heroes.
So CEC decided to create its own, local green film festival.
The CEC is proud to virtually host the third annual Wild About Houston Green Film Festival on Wednesday, October 21 and Wednesday, November 18, 2020.
CEC would like to use this festival to tell local environmental stories, highlight the work of CEC’s member organizations, and to inspire our residents and visitors to make a difference in the environment and our quality of life.
Congrats to “Trip Around the Sun” by SETSVN, Delores Fenwick Nature Center/City of Pearland and the Native Prairies Association of Texas for winning the 2020 festival.
Watch both the 2020 October and November Wild About Houston Film Festivals on the CEC YouTube page.
Door Prizes! In the live session, we’ll give away a swag bag from Houston Audubon and two tickets to a pontoon boat ride through Armand Bayou Nature Center. All participants receive a free 30-minute bike ride and 15% off coupon from Houston Bike Share.

Enter the McMac Cx, Air Champions – Social Change Scientists Video Competition. WINNER receives a state-of-the-art Flow Personal Pollution Monitor (PPM) valued at $150.00 from McMac Cx. Simply create a 30 to 90 second video about air quality using provided prompts, and enter using this Google Form.
A winner will be announced at the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition’s Green Film Series event Jan. 29. Questions? Want to be on the selection committee? Want to learn more about Air Champions? Contact David MacLean at david.maclean@mcmaccx.net or read the details on the Google Form.