• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Houston Environmental News Update May 16, 2018

Stump the Treehugger, CEC’s second annual environmental trivia contest, is this Sunday, May 20, 2018, at St. Arnold Brewing Company. You read this newsletter, so you know you like knowing stuff about the environment, so this fun event is for you. And for those of your acquaintances who are not old enough for trivia at Saint Arnold, here are some…

Houston Environmental News Update May 9, 2018

Hooray for Bike Month! Various organizations are hosting rides and other events throughout the Houston region to celebrate. To learn more about opportunities to get involved, check out some of our favorite Bike Month sites: Bikehouston.org, which, in addition to providing extensive information about Bike Month in the region, has information about the recent, tragic, bike crash on Sunset Blvd;…