• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Board Opportunities

Do you love our newsletter? Are you committed to connecting our environmental community? Do you want to make a big difference for a small nonprofit? Do you want to save the world? If so, you might want to consider joining the board of directors of the CEC. We are currently soliciting applications for new board members.

Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region: April 10, 2015

Featured What Are The Most Walkable Neighborhoods In Texas? (Dan Solomon – The Daily Post, 3/31/2016) “Texas cities don’t have a great rep for walkability. Like, you technically can walk around most cities in Texas, but doing so isn’t always super pleasant. Blame it on the relentless sunshine, the lack of sidewalks, the fact that everything is spread out because it…

Houston Environmental News Update April 6, 2016

Not only is Earth Month in full swing, today is National Walking Day, and National Volunteer Week starts on Sunday. We’ll be highlighting volunteer and earth month events in the next two newsletters, so please send information to news@cechouston.org. Speaking of volunteering… Do you love our newsletter? Are you committed to connecting our environmental community? Do you want to make…

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