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Houston Environmental News Update August 11, 2015

We love it when environmental stories make the front page of the Houston Chronicle, and today’s front page highlights one of our most valuable local resources: Galveston Bay. Reporter Harvey Rice shares information about the first ever report card on Galveston Bay. The report card, released by HARC and the Galveston Bay Foundation, gives the Bay an average grade of…

New Member Welcome: Vegan for Life About 2.5 percent of Americans are vegans: they never eat meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, or dairy products. Instead, they consume fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, legumes, and grains. This practice not only prevents the unnecessary killing and mistreatment of animals; it also contributes to a healthier environment. Animal agriculture is one of the largest, if not the largest, causes of water pollution and…

Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region: August 10, 2015

Featured Comply or not? Texas officials now must decide about emission rules (Bill Dawson – Texas Climate News, 8/3/2015) “To comply or not to comply. That’s the question now facing Texas officials regarding the Obama administration’s ambitious Clean Power Plan. The sweeping regulatory initiative, unveiled today in its final form, aims at transforming the nation’s electricity-production system to slash emissions…