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  • info@cechouston.org

Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region: May 18, 2015

Featured Texas Passes On New Park Benches Equipped With Air Analyzers (Dave Fehling – Houston Public Media, 5/13/2015) “In a growing number of cities across the country, the federal government is installing what look like park benches in public places. But they’re not just a place to sit. They actually have a scientific purpose… That’s right. [They are] air pollution…

Houston Environmental News Update May 12, 2015

With only about two more weeks of school, many parents are thinking about summer camp for their kids and either gloating or panicking. The luckiest parents–and kids–will be at one or more of our member groups’ camps and similar programs. In case you–like me–are not yet gloating, here are some possibilities (in an unusual but logical order): Blackwood Educational Land…

Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region: May 11, 2015

Featured Water districts challenged to increase conservation (Robin Foster – Houston Chronicle, 5/5/2015) “Local water providers are between a rock and a hard place – trying to keep rates low while facing huge costs over the next decade to build the infrastructure needed to secure Greater Houston’s future water supply. At a recent breakfast of the Association of Water Board…