• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

ECONOTES 2013-06-18: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region

Featured TPWD leads efforts to restore oyster reefs and salt marshes after the 2008 hurricane (Lance Robinson – Texas Parks & Wildlife, 6/5/2013) Back in September of 2008, Hurricane Ike caused massive damage to homes and businesses in the coastal communities of the upper Texas coast. Less visible but significant damage also occurred to coastal habitats in the region and…

Houston Environmental News Update June 4, 2013

Houston Environmental News Update June 4, 2013 CEC NOTES Water, Peace, and War No newsletter June 12, 2013 New Twitter list COALITION NOTES Rice Design Alliance Clean Fleet Technologies Conference World Oceans Day 2013 REI Buffalo Bayou Cleanup Wildlife Center of Texas Volunteer Training KPC Wild West Tour: Breeding Birds March of the Penguins: Willow Water Hole Greenspace Conservancy Dinner…

ECONOTES 2013-06-04: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region

Featured In Houston, Too Much Fine Dust? (Kate Galbraith – The Texas Tribune, 5/30/2013) In Houston, air pollution concerns usually center on ozone. But Houston environmentalists and businesses are paying increasingly close attention to another pollutant — fine dust. It’s more dangerous than ozone, some say, and the federal government will decide by the end of next year whether the…