• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Community Notes 09-14-2011

Public Meeting: Addicks Reservoir and the Grand Parkway. A meeting will be held Monday, September 19, to discuss the litigation that has been filed in federal court over the impact of Segment E of the Grand Parkway on Addicks Reservoir which has been evaluated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as being subject to “catastrophic failure”. If Addicks Reservoir…

Coalition Notes 09-14-2011

Sundays in Nature Series at Armand Bayou Nature Center. Join ABNC on September 18th from 1pm – 3pm for our “Sundays in Nature” Series, “Your Place in the Water Shed”. This series focuses on what a watershed is, its importance and what we need to do to protect it. Join us in visiting the hands on displays and activities. Admission to…

ECONOTES 2011-09-14: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region

Featured Too wacky? Moving water from flood to drought (Seth Borenstein – Yahoo! News, 09/09/2011) The East has been inundated with rain, while Texas remains dangerously dry. This has brought up previous tempting visions of installing pipelines to carry water across the nation. This would help out both regions with their water problems. Unfortunately, moving vast quantities of water is…

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