• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Coalition Notes 04-06-2011

Texas Container Recycling Initiative. The Texas Bottle Bill, which establishes a deposit/refund program to decrease the volume of aluminum, glass & plastic beverage containers in the environment, may have its hearing on April 13th. Therefore, citizens still have time to contact their representatives. To learn more, visit http://www.texasbottlebill.com/. No Impact Man Film. On April 12th at 6:30pm, Greener Living in…

Community Notes 04-06-2011

Galveston FeatherFest. Galveston FeatherFest will be taking place from April 7 – 10. Everyone, whether a novice or expert, is encouraged to explore a variety of habitats, from beaches to bays, bay marshes to wetlands, and coastal prairies to upland wood mottes on a birding adventure. For more information, visit http://www.galvestonfeatherfest.com/. Texas Coastal Expo. The Texas General Land Office is proud…

ECONOTES 2011-03-30: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region

Featured Green builders take root (David Kaplan – Houston Chronicle, 04/03/2011) The Houston home building community has started to embrace the green movement. Green homes can take into account energy efficiency, health and indoor air quality, use of recycled buildings, and more. These homes may initially cost more money to build, but they add up more than that through energy…

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