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My Houston 2040 happy hour

Title: My Houston 2040 happy hourLocation: Rudyard’s Upstairs, 2010 Waugh Dr, Houston, 77006Link out: Click hereDescription: As Texas becomes increasingly urban, more children grow up with little or no connection to nature. Jaime Gonzalez will tell us about how Texas is addressing the challenge. As usual, we’ll also hear a vision for 2040, this time from professional futurist, Andrew Hines….

Coalition Notes 01-12-2011

Urban Harvest Fruit Tree Sale. Urban Harvest will be having a Fruit Tree sale on Saturday, January 15th, from 9 am to 1 pm at the Universtiy of Houston Robertson Football Stadium. The annual sale will bring together far more types and varieties of fruit trees than can be found anywhere else in the greater Houston area. For more information,…

Community Notes 01-12-2011

Conservation Grants. The Great Texas Birding Classic awards conservation grants in the amount of $10,000, $5,000 or $3,000. These grants are awarded to organizations that have a coastal habitat conservation, restoration, or enhancement project in the 41-county area of the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail. Find out more by visiting http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/huntwild/wild/birding/gtbc/prizes/. Gulf of Mexico Foundation Teacher Training Expeditions. The Gulf…

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