• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Community Notes 10-13-2010

2nd Annual Community GreenFest. The event will feature music from all over the world, spoken word, dance and drumming as well as workshops and speakers including, Colin Beavan, the No Impact Man, Meriwether the Adventurer (a wild edibles expert from Houston) and one of our partners, Dan Phillips, recently named the number one recycler in American by Reader’s Digest Magazine….

EarthShare of Texas Campaign Season

EarthShare of Texas supports the work of its more than 70 participating environmental and conservation organizations by representing them in workplace giving programs throughout Texas. Workplace giving is the opportunity for employees to contribute by having their designated amounts deducted contributed from each paycheck.  As a member of EarthShare of Texas, CEC has unique campaign codes that you can use…

ECONOTES 2010-10-12: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region

Featured Houston may again hit federal clean air mark, but not for long (Matthew Tresaugue – Houston Chronicle, 10/10/2010) Houston has made gains in cleaning up its polluted air, although the pollution level is still not great. Later this month, the EPA will set stricter limits on the smog standard. Houston has been improving, but will encounter more challenges in…

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