Environmental Resource Guide
Purpose: To support the membership’s technical objectives through education, service, and fellowship.
Meetings: First Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m., Sept. through June. Please check the website for speaker, location, and topic.
Programs: Continuing education workshops at monthly meetings, which include environmental and process safety.
Major Events: Cosponsor Energy Conservation Forum with Texas Industries of the Future twice per year.…
Purpose: A volunteer membership service organization dedicated to creating land trusts of scenic habitat conservation preserves currently at 6,000 acres. Includes permanent protection and restoration of the 1,058-acre John M. O’Quinn I-45 Scenic Estuarial Corridor, the natural marsh gateway to Galveston; the contiguous 1,840 acres of native coastal prairie and wetland habitat on the Virginia Point Peninsula Preserve, and 3,000+ acres as stewards of conservation easement prairies/wetlands on north West Galveston Bay.…
Purpose: To achieve sustainable community improvement by providing programs that educate the public, combat blight, prevent litter, minimize waste and beautify Houston’s public spaces.
Programs: Adopt-A-Block and Adopt-A-Ditch Program; weekend cleanups and tool lending library; community beautification and edible community garden projects; civic leader and teacher training workshops. Teacher worksheets are available on the website for classroom use.…
Purpose: The TWRC Wildlife Center provides an emergency room for injured, ill, and orphaned wildlife, as well as a help-line;  both the emergency room and the help-line operate 7 days a week. A veterinarian is on staff to assist with training and emergencies and experienced volunteers and staff facilitate initial triage, rehabilitation, release, and education.…
Purpose: Founded in 2009, our mission is to reduce the amount of reusable material in Houston’s landfills, to promote environmental awareness, to stimulate creativity, and to provide opportunities to create recycled art.
Programs: Divert reusable clean scrap from Houston’s solid waste stream and make it available at low cost to educators and non-profits in the Greater Houston area.…
Purpose: The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and water on which all life depends. With operations in all 50 states and 35 countries, and a staff of 3700 including 600 scientists, we are the world’s largest non-profit conservation organization. Since 1964, TNC in Texas has been protecting our state’s natural landscapes.…
Purpose:Â A coalition of municipal utility districts, homeowner associations and other community organizations functioning as a steward between the residents, local/state government, land developers and non-profits to work on planning and implementation of improved flood protection and environment preservation throughout the Cypress Creek watershed.
Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 p.m., at Lake Forest Utility District, 14223 Lakewood Forest Dr.…
Purpose: Â To educate the public and public officials about proper land management on our many streams, drawing on the latest science, and to advocate for enlightened flood and erosion control and drainage policies and practices that respect the natural process of our local bayous and creeks, their floodplains and watersheds, the trees and vegetation growing on their banks, all of which are so vital for the health of our waters, our environment, and us.…
Purpose: American YouthWorks provides young people with opportunities to build careers, strengthen communities, and improve the environment through education, on-the-job training, and service to others.
- YouthBuild Austin is a youth services program that combines academics with career training, leadership development, and community service. For more information visit http://americanyouthworks.org/programs/youthbuild/
- Texas Conservation Corps (TxCC) is a 21st Century Conservation Service Corps accredited program that empowers young people through AmeriCorps service, conservation, education, and jobs training.
Purpose: To research and recommend policy that will lower electric bills, increase clean and renewable sources of energy, and combats greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global climate change by working to encourage city and state incentives for energy efficiency and to create incentives and mandates for more renewable energy.
Programs: Policy programs in are climate change, promoting clean government, fighting dirty energy, advancing energy efficiency in Texas, advancing renewable energy in Texas and student organizing.…
Purpose: To establish and sustain a premier botanic garden to promote public appreciation and understanding of plants, gardens, and conservation of the natural world through education and scientific enquiry. Through discovery, education and the conservation of plants and the natural environment, the HBG aims to enrich lives, serve as a model for sustainability, and inspire all who visit to become environmental stewards.…
Purpose: Transition Houston serves to build on the wisdom of the existing resources in Houston’s diverse community to inspire, network and train localized communities to consider and adapt Rob Hopkins’ transition model. Together we can unite pools of ingenuity and skills to unleash the collective genius of our own people in finding self-determined solutions.…
Purpose:Â Recipe for Success Foundation was launched in 2005 by Gracie & Bob Cavnar to lead the way in hands-on nutrition education aimed at preventing childhood obesity and encouraging long term health. In just a few years, it has grown to the largest outreach of its kind in the nation, empowering over 4,000 children each and every month with its signature Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Educationâ„¢ and other initiatives to change the way they understand, appreciate and eat their food.…
Purpose: Center for Houston’s Future (CHF) works to address matters of highest importance to the long-term future of the greater Houston region, by engaging diverse leaders, providing impactful research, and defining actionable strategies. The Center for Houston’s Future furthers the Houston region as a top global community in which to work and live.…
Since 1991, the mission of the Environmental Institute of Houston at University of Houston-Clear Lake has been to advance understanding of the environment through interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach. Purpose: It serves as a contact point for the community to access the expertise and resources of the university. Additionally, EIH partners with agencies, community and environmental groups, and businesses to conduct research and outreach projects in the Houston region.…
Purpose:Â The vision of Keep Pearland Beautiful is that Pearland will be the cleanest and most beautiful city in Texas.
Major Projects: Plant Thyme Fall Luncheon, Cheers for Volunteers, Environmental Awards Dinner. Yard Wise Demonstration Garden, Adopt A Spot, Community Greening. KPB Education methods include: speaking to groups, bringing environmental programs to schools, training teachers, sponsoring our annual Environmental Fair and informing people about Environmental responsibility.…
Purpose:Â The SPARK School Program works with schools and neighborhoods to develop community parks on public school grounds. In the past 30 years, SPARK has built over 200+ community parks throughout the Houston/Harris County area. Each park is unique, with its design based on ideas and needs of the school and surrounding neighborhoods.…
Purpose:Â To enhance the quality of urban life by providing safe, well-maintained parks and offering affordable programs for the community.
Major Events:
Jan – Arbor Day; Youth Tennis classes begin
Feb – Salt Grass Trail Ride; Adult sports leagues begin
Mar – Tour de Houston, Metal & Muscle Expo; Lake Houston Wilderness
Apr – Houston Children’s Festival, Japan ÂFestival, Houston International Festival
May – Challenge Day, Summer Pool Opening
June – Summer Food Program begins, Golf Tourn; Hershey Track & Field Meet
Jul – Freedom Over Texas; Houston Pops July 4th Celebration
Oct – Asian-American Festival; Wildflower seed planting
Nov – Via Colori
Dec – Heritage Society Candlelight Tour, Holiday Tree Lighting
Year round – Lake Houston Park Nature Center events
School year – After School Enrichment Program
Volunteer Opportunities: Oneika McCarthy
(832) 395-7030 oneika.peters@houstontx.gov
Publications: Activities Catalog – Winter/Spring Issue Dec 1, Summer Issue
Apr 1, and Fall Issue Aug 1.…
Purpose: The Shell Center for Sustainability’s mission is to foster an interdisciplinary program of research, outreach, and education to address actions that can be taken to ensure the sustainable development of communities’ living standards, interpreted broadly, to encompass all factors affecting the overall quality of life. In our Vision, the Shell Center for Sustainability is the regional expert in Gulf Coast sustainable development by fostering academic research, outreach and education initiatives in interdisciplinary partnerships and through collaborations that extend outreach from the Florida Keys to the Yucatan Peninsula with strong focus in the Houston and Galveston Region.…
The CEC has a searchable, web-based version of the Environmental Resource Guide. You may also download older versions of the printed guide below.
Archived Resource Guides