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Houston — Environmental Resource Guide

The Environmental Resource Guide is a searchable, web-based resource that includes information about all organizations in the Greater Houston Area conducting environmental work. This guide is a one-stop-shop for any resources or connections you may need, and is updated often to ensure you have access to the newest information.

Scroll through the guide, view a list of all organizations, or view all categories of organizations below. At the very bottom of the page is an archive containing older versions of the printed guide available for download.

If you have any questions, would like to make edits to a current listing, or would like to add or remove an organizations, please reach out to us.

  • The results are being filtered by the locality: Houston
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Photo of Rice Design Alliance Rice Design Alliance
(713) 348-5924

Purpose: Dedicated to the advancement of architecture, urban design, and the built environment in the Houston region through educational programs, the publication of Cite, and active programs to initiate physical improvements. By sponsoring lectures, seminars, symposia, exhibits, and tours, RDA seeks to involve the public.

Volunteer Opportunities: Docents needed for house tour, gala, and other events.…

Photo of Texas Campaign for the Environment Texas Campaign for the Environment
(713) 337-4192

Purpose: Empowering Texans to fight pollution through sustained grassroots organizing campaigns that shift corporate and governmental policy. The TEC envisions a Texas free from pollution. As the largest environmental group in Texas organizing support through door-to-door canvassing, grassroots is both who we are and what we do. Programs: Advocates for local, state and national policies that hold manufacturers responsible for recycling the toxic products they create (such as electronic waste or “e-waste”); works to strengthen environmental and health standards for Texas landfills; educates residents and builds grassroots support through a year-round neighborhood canvassing program; and works toward recycling for all Houstonians.…

Photo of American Institute of Architects, Houston American Institute of Architects, Houston
(713) 520-0155

Purpose: To promote the aesthetic, scientific, and practical efficiency of the architecture profession; to advance the science and art of planning and building; to coordinate the building industry and the profession of architecture; to ensure the advancement of the living standard of people and to make the profession one of ever-increasing service to society.…

Photo of Memorial Park Conservancy Memorial Park Conservancy
(713) 863-8403

Purpose: To preserve, restore, and enhance Memorial Park for the enjoyment of all Houstonians, today and tomorrow.

Major Events: “4 the Park” Fun Run, Golf Tournament, Green Gala.

Volunteer Opportunities: Corporate, school group and individuals; ongoing Bridge Club, trail maintenance, conservation and administrative.

Speakers Bureau: Yes.…

Photo of Center for Houston’s Future Center for Houston’s Future
(713) 844-9325

Purpose: Center for Houston’s Future (CHF) works to address matters of highest importance to the long-term future of the greater Houston region, by engaging diverse leaders, providing impactful research, and defining actionable strategies. The Center for Houston’s Future furthers the Houston region as a top global community in which to work and live.…

Photo of Houston Zoo Wildlife Conservation Program Houston Zoo Wildlife Conservation Program
(713) 533-6500

Purpose: Our mission is to make the Houston Zoo a leader in conservation as it relates to the survival of threatened wildlife, wise use of natural resources, and the appreciation of our natural world by zoo visitors.

Publications: Members quarterly Wildlife Magazine.

Major Events: Conservation Gala, Call of the Wild Speakers Series, Earth Day, Feast with the Beasts, Zoobilee, Zoo Boo, Spotlight on Species Weekends.…

Photo of Trees for Houston Trees for Houston
(713) 840-8733

Purpose: To plant, protect and promote trees in the greater Houston region.

Programs: Tree Planting; Trees for Schools; Urban Forest Tree Keeper classes in September (adult). Tribute Trees and Tree Giveaways.

Major Events: Arbor Day Awards, Jan.; Root Ball, April; Annual Meeting, May, Sporting Clays Tournament, October.

Children’s Activities: School presentations for all grade levels.…

Photo of BikeHouston, Inc. BikeHouston, Inc.

Purpose: The mission of BikeHouston is to promote safe bicycling and to improve the quality of life in the Houston area.  Goals -secure equitable access to regional facilities, lands and roads -educate the public about rights and responsibilities of bicyclists -promote public awareness of the personal and community benefits of cycling Meeting Time: Varies, see website.

Photo of Air Alliance Houston Air Alliance Houston
(713) 528-3779

Purpose: Houston’s leading health and clean air advocacy non-profit specializing in both the treetops and grassroots of environmental advocacy and organizing. Air Alliance Houston’s mission remains to reduce air pollution in the Houston region and to protect public health and environmental integrity through research, education, and advocacy.

Programs: Research, Education, and Advocacy, including Ozone Theater (air pollution education program with three curricula for grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8). Annual Earth Day Art Contest for grades 3-12, earthdayartcontest.org.…

Photo of Energy Corridor District Energy Corridor District
(281) 759-3800

Purpose: To promote, develop, maintain, and enhance the Energy Corridor District through implementation of projects, services, and initiatives in the realm of public safety, transportation and mobility, infrastructure, streetscape, and economic development. Through active leadership, advocacy, and collaborative efforts, the District works to accelerate area improvements for long-term economic vitality.

Meetings: Second Friday of each month in ECD office 14701 St.…

Photo of Friends of Woodland Park Friends of Woodland Park
(713) 862-1520

Purpose: The Friends of Woodland Park, Inc. (FWP) is dedicated to preserving the park’s natural habitat along with its unique historical significance to the City of Houston, and to providing for the enjoyment and education of all who visit.

Publications: Subscribe to email newsletter.

Programs: Trails at Twilight Gala,

Bird watching monthly.…

Photo of Houston Parks and Recreation Department Houston Parks and Recreation Department
(832) 395-7000

Purpose: To enhance the quality of urban life by providing safe, well-maintained parks and offering affordable programs for the community.

Major Events:

Jan – Arbor Day; Youth Tennis classes begin
Feb – Salt Grass Trail Ride; Adult sports leagues begin
Mar – Tour de Houston, Metal & Muscle Expo; Lake Houston Wilderness
Apr – Houston Children’s Festival, Japan ­Festival, Houston International Festival
May – Challenge Day, Summer Pool Opening
June – Summer Food Program begins, Golf Tourn; Hershey Track & Field Meet
Jul – Freedom Over Texas; Houston Pops July 4th Celebration
Oct – Asian-American Festival; Wildflower seed planting
Nov – Via Colori
Dec – Heritage Society Candlelight Tour, Holiday Tree Lighting
Year round – Lake Houston Park Nature Center events
School year – After School Enrichment Program

Volunteer Opportunities: Oneika McCarthy
(832) 395-7030 oneika.peters@houstontx.gov

Publications: Activities Catalog – Winter/Spring Issue Dec 1, Summer Issue
Apr 1, and Fall Issue Aug 1.…

Photo of Children’s Museum of Houston’s EcoStation Children’s Museum of Houston’s EcoStation
(713) 522-1138

Purpose: Founded in 1981 to transform communities through innovative, and child-centered learning.
The Houston region has one of the largest child populations in the United States and Children’s Museum Houston serves an audience of more than 1 million children and families each year. Children’s Museum Houston is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that relies on private and public contributions.…

Photo of KPFT 90.1 FM KPFT 90.1 FM
(713) 526-4000 offices

Purpose: To establish a foundation organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes, in which no part of the net earnings inures to the benefit of any member of the Foundation. We promote and aid other creative activities which will serve the cultural welfare of the community, and offer performance facilities to amateur musical performers, choral groups, orchestral groups and music students.…

Photo of Recipe for Success Recipe for Success
(713) 520-0453

Purpose: Recipe for Success Foundation was launched in 2005 by Gracie & Bob Cavnar to lead the way in hands-on nutrition education aimed at preventing childhood obesity and encouraging long term health. In just a few years, it has grown to the largest outreach of its kind in the nation, empowering over 4,000 children each and every month with its signature Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Educationâ„¢ and other initiatives to change the way they understand, appreciate and eat their food.…

Photo of Texas Southern University, Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs Texas Southern University, Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs
(713) 313-6849

Purpose: The Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs has a reputation as a comprehensive center for sound academic research. Scholars focus on a broad range of topics, including voting behavior, American foreign policy and international relations, political communication, criminal justice attitudes and behavior, police violence, environmental justice, race and crime, race and governance, policy studies, leadership, E-government, homeland security, urban transportation, housing and community development, Diaspora studies, environmental planning, economic development and the fiscal responsibility of urban governments.…

Photo of Sheldon State Park and Envir. Learning Center Sheldon State Park and Envir. Learning Center
(281) 456-2800

Purpose: Sheldon Lake State Park & Environmental Learning Center is a 2,800-acre outdoor education and recreation facility located in northeast Harris County. It offers year round adult and family programs and activities as well as field trip opportunities for students of all ages. Beginning in 2003, the park is became an important restoration site for tall grass prairie.…

Photo of Center for Recycled Art Center for Recycled Art
(832) 260-5853

Purpose: Founded in 2009, our mission is to reduce the amount of reusable material in Houston’s landfills, to promote environmental awareness, to stimulate creativity, and to provide opportunities to create recycled art.

Programs: Divert reusable clean scrap from Houston’s solid waste stream and make it available at low cost to educators and non-profits in the Greater Houston area.…

Photo of University of Houston: Office of Sustainability University of Houston: Office of Sustainability

Purpose: The University of Houston Office of Sustainability serves as the hub for campus sustainability efforts. Engaging the campus and community, the office fosters collaboration and educates individuals about social, economic and environmental factors that impact today’s society and generations to come. On-campus sustainability initiatives include academic programs and research, educational events, the campus community garden, single-stream recycling, water bottle refill stations, renewable energy use, sustainable transportation, green building and more.…

Brays Bayou Association
(713) 723-7230

Purpose: To reduce the risk of flooding in the Brays Bayou watershed. Meetings: Open meetings are held the third Monday of every month, 7:30 p.m., Conference Room, The Gathering Place, 5410 South Willow Drive, 77035 Major Events: Annual meeting in March.

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