TWRC Wildlife Center » Environmental Resource Guide
The Environmental Resource Guide is a searchable, web-based resource that includes information about all organizations in the Greater Houston Area conducting environmental work. This guide is a one-stop-shop for any resources or connections you may need, and is updated often to ensure you have access to the newest information.
Scroll through the guide, view a list of all organizations, or view all categories of organizations below. At the very bottom of the page is an archive containing older versions of the printed guide available for download.
If you have any questions, would like to make edits to a current listing, or would like to add or remove an organizations, please reach out to us.
TWRC Wildlife Center
TWRC Wildlife CenterMission
Purpose: The TWRC Wildlife Center provides an emergency room for injured, ill, and orphaned wildlife, as well as a help-line;  both the emergency room and the help-line operate 7 days a week. A veterinarian is on staff to assist with training and emergencies and experienced volunteers and staff facilitate initial triage, rehabilitation, release, and education.
Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers 14 or older are needed to assist with the daily operations of the Center. Duties include: answering the hotline, caring for the education animals, helping with admissions (for 18 and older), office chores, data entry, and general Center maintenance. Additionally, volunteers are needed to help in the Animal Care Program which runs every year from about March to October to help care for the thousands of baby animals admitted yearly. Please see the website for age requirements and additional details.
Education Center: TWRC Wildlife Center offers exciting, educational presentations with introductions to our amazing Animal Ambassadors. We can also “customize†our presentation to expand upon specific curriculum. We have given presentations at schools for children of all ages, libraries, garden clubs, senior living communities, women’s clubs, Homeschool groups, Boy Scout and Girl Scout meetings and camps, many types of spring and summer camp programs, veterinary schools and veterinary student group meetings.
Mary Warwick, Operations Director
Liz Compton, Rehab Coordinator
Victoria Hepburn, Outreach Coordinator
Berri Moffett, Volunteer Coordinator