• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Environmental Resource Guide

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Photo of Jesse H. Jones Park and Nature Center Jesse H. Jones Park and Nature Center
(281) 446-8588

Purpose: A 312-acre, Harris County Precinct 4 nature park dedicated to environmental and natural history, education, wildlife conservation, and passive recreation. It opened in 1982.

Programs: Wide variety of weekday tours and free weekend educational programs, ranging from the lifestyles and customs of local early settlers to the environmental benefits of nature. Teacher workshops and training programs are offered as well.…

Photo of Energy Corridor District Energy Corridor District
(281) 759-3800

Purpose: To promote, develop, maintain, and enhance the Energy Corridor District through implementation of projects, services, and initiatives in the realm of public safety, transportation and mobility, infrastructure, streetscape, and economic development. Through active leadership, advocacy, and collaborative efforts, the District works to accelerate area improvements for long-term economic vitality.

Meetings: Second Friday of each month in ECD office 14701 St.…

Photo of Citizens’ Environmental Coalition Citizens’ Environmental Coalition

Purpose: CEC works to connect our environmental community. Our mission is to foster education, dialogue, and collaboration on environmental issues in the Houston/Gulf Coast region.

Photo of American Youthworks Conservation Corps & AmeriCorps American Youthworks Conservation Corps & AmeriCorps
(512) 744-1900

Purpose: American YouthWorks provides young people with opportunities to build careers, strengthen communities, and improve the environment through education, on-the-job training, and service to others.


  • YouthBuild Austin is a youth services program that combines academics with career training, leadership development, and community service. For more information visit http://americanyouthworks.org/programs/youthbuild/
  • Texas Conservation Corps (TxCC) is a 21st Century Conservation Service Corps accredited program that empowers young people through AmeriCorps service, conservation, education, and jobs training.
Photo of State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR)
(512) 828-6409

Purpose: To advance recycling through partnerships, education, and advocacy for the benefit of Texas.

Major Events: Annual Texas Recycling Summit– September 9-11, 2019 at the El Tropicano Hotel on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.

Texas Compost Summit– will take place October 2019. Date and location TBD.

Publications:  STAR is helping Texans to learn more about the recycling industry through free informational webinars and quarterly e-newsletters.…

Photo of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, South Texas Local Section American Institute of Chemical Engineers, South Texas Local Section

Purpose: To support the membership’s technical objectives through education, service, and fellowship.

Meetings: First Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m., Sept. through June. Please check the website for speaker, location, and topic.

Programs: Continuing education workshops at monthly meetings, which include environmental and process safety.

Major Events: Cosponsor Energy Conservation Forum with Texas Industries of the Future twice per year.…

The CEC has a searchable, web-based version of the Environmental Resource Guide. You may also download older versions of the printed guide below.

Archived Resource Guides

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