• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Environmental Resource Guide

Photo of Houston Tomorrow Houston Tomorrow
(713) 523-5757

Purpose: Houston Tomorrow is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for all the people of the Houston region through research, education, and discussion. Its vision is that on its 200th birthday, the Houston region will be home to the healthiest, happiest, most prosperous people in the United States.…

Photo of Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy
(713) 729-1122

Purpose: Founded in 2001, the Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy (WWGC) partners with the Harris County Flood Control District and the City of Houston Parks and Recreation Department to enhance the 280 acre Willow Waterhole Park as a native plant and wildlife area and a passive recreational green space.

Programs: Music in park performances, movies in park screenings, conservation volunteer work days on the second saturday of each month, monthly bird surveys on the third saturday of each month by Houston Audubon Society, and free environmental education series for kids and families.…

Photo of State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR)
(512) 828-6409

Purpose: To advance recycling through partnerships, education, and advocacy for the benefit of Texas.

Major Events: Annual Texas Recycling Summit– September 9-11, 2019 at the El Tropicano Hotel on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.

Texas Compost Summit– will take place October 2019. Date and location TBD.

Publications:  STAR is helping Texans to learn more about the recycling industry through free informational webinars and quarterly e-newsletters.…

Photo of Keep Houston Beautiful Keep Houston Beautiful
(713) 839-8855

Purpose: To achieve sustainable community improvement by providing programs that educate the public, combat blight, prevent litter, minimize waste and beautify Houston’s public spaces.

Programs: Adopt-A-Block and Adopt-A-Ditch Program; weekend cleanups and tool lending library; community beautification and edible community garden projects; civic leader and teacher training workshops. Teacher worksheets are available on the website for classroom use.…

Photo of American Youthworks Conservation Corps & AmeriCorps American Youthworks Conservation Corps & AmeriCorps
(512) 744-1900

Purpose: American YouthWorks provides young people with opportunities to build careers, strengthen communities, and improve the environment through education, on-the-job training, and service to others.


  • YouthBuild Austin is a youth services program that combines academics with career training, leadership development, and community service. For more information visit http://americanyouthworks.org/programs/youthbuild/
  • Texas Conservation Corps (TxCC) is a 21st Century Conservation Service Corps accredited program that empowers young people through AmeriCorps service, conservation, education, and jobs training.
Photo of Friends of Don Greene Friends of Don Greene

Purpose:  Engage. Educate. Empower. Providing opportunities for young people to learn about our environment and 21st Century Stewardship through engaging them, and providing knowledge and skills that empower them.  

Programs: Conservation projects, scout merit badges, science teacher training, afternoon story time, hands-on student ecosystem lessons in the one-acre Don Greene Nature Park.…

Photo of Bayou Land Conservancy Bayou Land Conservancy
(281) 576-1634

Purpose: Bayou Land Conservancy is a community-sponsored land preservation organization to permanently protect land, with a focus on the 13 watersheds that feed Lake Houston. We preserve river and bayou corridors, other properties with significant wildlife habitat value, and places where family recreation can occur in harmony with nature.

Jill Boullion, Executive Director

Becky Martinez, Conservation Director

Cherie Wilson, Office Administrator

Photo of Houston-Galveston Area Council Houston-Galveston Area Council
(713) 627-3200

Purpose: The Houston-Galveston Area Council is a region-wide voluntary association of local governments in the 13-county Gulf Coast Planning region of Texas. H-GAC’s mission is to serve as the instrument of local government cooperation, promoting the region’s orderly development and the safety and welfare of its citizens. Key governmental services include transportation planning, disaster resiliency, cooperative purchasing, homeland security, workforce development, air and water quality planning, forecasting, and mapping.

Photo of Native Prairies Association of Texas Native Prairies Association of Texas
(512) 772-4741

Purpose: The Native Prairies Association of Texas (NPAT) is a non-profit membership organization and land trust dedicated to the conservation, restoration, and appreciation of native prairies, savannas, and other grasslands in Texas. NPAT protects over 2000 acres of native Texas grassland, including over 100 acres of endangered/threatened tallgrass prairie. In 2010, NPAT started its first local chapter in Houston to allow members in the metro area to meet and discuss local and regional projects and raise awareness for the organization in the Texas Gulf Coast region.…

Photo of Texas Southern University, Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs Texas Southern University, Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs
(713) 313-6849

Purpose: The Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs has a reputation as a comprehensive center for sound academic research. Scholars focus on a broad range of topics, including voting behavior, American foreign policy and international relations, political communication, criminal justice attitudes and behavior, police violence, environmental justice, race and crime, race and governance, policy studies, leadership, E-government, homeland security, urban transportation, housing and community development, Diaspora studies, environmental planning, economic development and the fiscal responsibility of urban governments.…

Photo of Woodlands G.R.E.E.N. Woodlands G.R.E.E.N.

Purpose: The The Woodlands G.R.E.E.N. is a tax-deductible 501 (c)(3) educational organization that promotes natural resource conservation, recycling, solid waste reduction, safe and sensible care of our air and water resources, and other responsible actions that protect the environment and its inhabitants.

Meetings: Board & Members Meeting, 5:30-7 p.m., second tuesday of each month, location specified on website.…

Photo of Artist Boat Artist Boat
(409) 770-0722

Purpose: Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness and preservation of coastal margins and the marine environment through the disciplines of the sciences and the arts. Programs: Eco-Art Adventures via kayak, vessel, or walking, and summer camps Professional development & environmental stewardship programs, with special opportunities for oil and gas companies Eco-Art Residencies in Schools integrating the arts and sciences to create public sculptures and habitats on campuses Habitat Restoration Adventure Program, focused on stewardship-based learning through dune and coastal prairie preservation Boy and Girl Scout badge classes Classroom presentations and speakers that coincide with curriculum Gulf ‘Coast Education Center: K-Grey can learn about the ecological, social, and economic value of coastal ecosystems.

Photo of Houston History Archives (UH-HHA) Houston History Archives (UH-HHA)
(713) 743-9750

Purpose: Founded 2005 as part of the Houston History Project (now the Welcome Wilson Houston History Collaborative), UH Center for Public History, UH-HHA is a public repository for books, documents, oral histories, and images related to the Houston region’s growth and development from 19th century to present. Particular areas of collection interest include energy development, environmental history and activism, and documentation of Houston’s ethnic diversity and activism.…

Photo of Citizens’ Climate Lobby 3rd Coast Region Citizens’ Climate Lobby 3rd Coast Region
+1 619-437-7142

Purpose: To build political will for Congress to act on climate change.

Program: Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change.

Our consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations.…

Photo of Houston Electric Auto Association Houston Electric Auto Association

Purpose: The HEAA is a non profit (501 c3) organization of electric vehicle owners, hobbyists, educators and enthusiasts. Dedicated to promoting the use of electric vehicles (EV’s) as an environmental and energy alternative. We are a chapter of the nationwide Electric Auto Association (EAA), and hold regular monthly meetings, public displays, car shows and “tech” sessions to exchange information.

Photo of Buffalo Bayou Partnership Buffalo Bayou Partnership
(713) 752-0314

Purpose:Buffalo Bayou Partnership is the Houston non-profit organization revitalizing and transforming Buffalo Bayou, our city’s most significant natural resource. Coordinating the integration of major improvements into the Bayou greenway, the Partnership seeks increased community involvement through pedestrian, boating and biking amenities, art installations, and other natural and built attractions. Major Events: Buffalo Bayou Regatta, kayak tours, history hikes, walk tours, bat tours, Second Saturday Boat cruises, Twilight tours, Seasonal Cruises, Nights on Blue Bayou events along the Sabine Promenade.…

Photo of Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, Inc. Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, Inc.
(979) 480-0999

Purpose: To protect birds and their habitats around the Gulf of Mexico.

Programs: Land protection, Site Partner Network, Research, Educational Outreach, Tropical Forest Forever Fund. Field Trips are available for your school group. Call office for booking information. Coastal Wildbird Trunk – educational resources for primary and secondary age students

Major Events: Birdies for the Birds, Xtreme Hummingbird Xtravaganza, Smith Point Hawk Watch, Monthly Bird Banding, Quintana Spring Fling.…

Photo of EcoRise EcoRise

Purpose: To inspire a new generation of leaders to design a sustainable future for all. EcoRise develops standards aligned, K–12 school-based curricula that focus on sustainability, environmental literacy, design innovation, and social entrepreneurship. The curriculum empowers youth to tackle real-world challenges in their schools and communities. EcoRise also provides extensive teacher training and support with the curriculum and offers a Student Innovation Fund for student-driven grant projects.…

Photo of Sierra Club – Hou. Regional Group Sierra Club – Hou. Regional Group

Purpose: To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; to practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Meetings: Second Thurs., 7:30 p.m., St.…

Photo of Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church
(713) 782-8250

Purpose: Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church was chartered in 1960 to serve the growing western suburbs of Houston. Proudly recognized as a Welcoming Congregation (LGBTQ friendly), Emerson Church invites people of all races, ethnicity, ages, gender identities, and sexual orientations to join us. The congregation has the diversity of spiritual beliefs, cultural backgrounds and sexual orientations that make Unitarian Universalism such a dynamic faith.…

The CEC has a searchable, web-based version of the Environmental Resource Guide. You may also download older versions of the printed guide below.

Archived Resource Guides

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