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Environmental Resource Guide

The Environmental Resource Guide is a searchable, web-based resource that includes information about all organizations in the Greater Houston Area conducting environmental work. This guide is a one-stop-shop for any resources or connections you may need, and is updated often to ensure you have access to the newest information.

Scroll through the guide, view a list of all organizations, or view all categories of organizations below. At the very bottom of the page is an archive containing older versions of the printed guide available for download.

If you have any questions, would like to make edits to a current listing, or would like to add or remove an organizations, please reach out to us.

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Photo of Houston Urban Gardeners Houston Urban Gardeners

Purpose: Houston Urban Gardeners’ mission is to create an informed active gardening community of people growing their own vegetables, fruits, and herbs year-round in Metro Houston. They do this through programs on all aspects of growing food. 

Programs:  Monthly meetings on topics such as:

  • leaving a legacy of better soil
  • eating organic wholesome food with a known history
  • getting more production with less time and having more fun
  • getting to know like-minded people and sharing what you know with others
  • restoring respect for the earth and the environment
  • forming a gardening support network/community
  • feeling good because you can share food with hungry people
  • supporting our local Houston economy by buying supplies from local vendors

Meetings: HUG meets on the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm at the West Gray Metropolitan Multi-Service Center (1475 W Gray St, Houston, TX 77019) in the Montrose/River Oaks area near Waugh Drive.…

Photo of Houston Tomorrow Houston Tomorrow
(713) 523-5757

Purpose: Houston Tomorrow is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for all the people of the Houston region through research, education, and discussion. Its vision is that on its 200th birthday, the Houston region will be home to the healthiest, happiest, most prosperous people in the United States.…

Photo of Houston Wilderness Houston Wilderness
(713) 524-7330

Purpose: Houston Wilderness is a broad-based alliance of business, environmental and government interests that acts in concert to protect, preserve and promote the unique biodiversity of the region’s precious remaining ecological capital from bottomland hardwoods and prairie grasslands to pine forests and wetlands.

Programs: Collaborative Access Program, Sam Houston Greenbelt Network, Collaborative Grant Organizing, Wilderness Passport, ecosystems services, and Get Out Here Houston.…

Photo of Houston Zoo Wildlife Conservation Program Houston Zoo Wildlife Conservation Program
(713) 533-6500

Purpose: Our mission is to make the Houston Zoo a leader in conservation as it relates to the survival of threatened wildlife, wise use of natural resources, and the appreciation of our natural world by zoo visitors.

Publications: Members quarterly Wildlife Magazine.

Major Events: Conservation Gala, Call of the Wild Speakers Series, Earth Day, Feast with the Beasts, Zoobilee, Zoo Boo, Spotlight on Species Weekends.…

Photo of Houston Parks Board Houston Parks Board
(713) 942-8500

Purpose: The Houston Parks Board creates, improves, protects and advocates for parks for everyone.  HPB is driven by the vision of thriving parks and communities for everyone forever.

Programs: Parkland and greenspace acquisition; park capital improvement projects; collaboration with other green groups; Neighborhood Partnership Program; 50/50 Park Partners Challenge; Volunteer Program.…

Photo of Houston History Archives (UH-HHA) Houston History Archives (UH-HHA)
(713) 743-9750

Purpose: Founded 2005 as part of the Houston History Project (now the Welcome Wilson Houston History Collaborative), UH Center for Public History, UH-HHA is a public repository for books, documents, oral histories, and images related to the Houston region’s growth and development from 19th century to present. Particular areas of collection interest include energy development, environmental history and activism, and documentation of Houston’s ethnic diversity and activism.…

Photo of Houston Parks and Recreation Department Houston Parks and Recreation Department
(832) 395-7000

Purpose: To enhance the quality of urban life by providing safe, well-maintained parks and offering affordable programs for the community.

Major Events:

Jan – Arbor Day; Youth Tennis classes begin
Feb – Salt Grass Trail Ride; Adult sports leagues begin
Mar – Tour de Houston, Metal & Muscle Expo; Lake Houston Wilderness
Apr – Houston Children’s Festival, Japan ­Festival, Houston International Festival
May – Challenge Day, Summer Pool Opening
June – Summer Food Program begins, Golf Tourn; Hershey Track & Field Meet
Jul – Freedom Over Texas; Houston Pops July 4th Celebration
Oct – Asian-American Festival; Wildflower seed planting
Nov – Via Colori
Dec – Heritage Society Candlelight Tour, Holiday Tree Lighting
Year round – Lake Houston Park Nature Center events
School year – After School Enrichment Program

Volunteer Opportunities: Oneika McCarthy
(832) 395-7030 oneika.peters@houstontx.gov

Publications: Activities Catalog – Winter/Spring Issue Dec 1, Summer Issue
Apr 1, and Fall Issue Aug 1.…

Photo of Houston-Galveston Area Council Houston-Galveston Area Council
(713) 627-3200

Purpose: The Houston-Galveston Area Council is a region-wide voluntary association of local governments in the 13-county Gulf Coast Planning region of Texas. H-GAC’s mission is to serve as the instrument of local government cooperation, promoting the region’s orderly development and the safety and welfare of its citizens. Key governmental services include transportation planning, disaster resiliency, cooperative purchasing, homeland security, workforce development, air and water quality planning, forecasting, and mapping.

Photo of Houston Community ToolBank Houston Community ToolBank
(713) 674-0262

Purpose: The Houston Community ToolBank is a nonprofit tool lending program that stewards an inventory of tools for lending to charitable organizations to increase the impact of their mission-related efforts in the community. With year-round access to an inventory of tools for use in volunteer projects and facility and grounds maintenance, the ToolBank provide resources to enhance the charitable sector’s capacity to serve, facilitating hands-on volunteerism in the greater Houston area.…

Photo of Healthy Gulf (formerly Gulf Restoration Network) Healthy Gulf (formerly Gulf Restoration Network)
(504) 525-1528

Purpose: The Gulf Restoration Network (GRN) is a network of environmental, social justice, and citizens’ groups and individuals committed to restoring the Gulf of Mexico to an ecologically and biologically sustainable condition. Within this vision, we see the mission of GRN as one of uniting and empowering people to protect and restore the resources of the Gulf Region for future generations.…

Photo of Houston Renewable Energy Group Houston Renewable Energy Group

Purpose: HREG is a local chapter of the Texas Solar Energy Society, with a mission to further the development of renewable energy and related arts, sciences, and technologies, with concern for the ecological, social, and economic fabric of our community and state. Members support local events, host the Houston Renewable Energy tour, and in general work to educate the community on the benefits of renewable energy.…

Photo of Hermann Park Conservancy Hermann Park Conservancy
(713) 524-5876

Purpose:Founded in 1992, Hermann Park Conservancy is a nonprofit citizens’ organization dedicated to the stewardship and improvement of Hermann Park, one of Houston’s largest and most loved urban parks, where more than six million visitors make memories each year. Beyond raising funds to improve and maintain the Park, the Conservancy oversees strategic planning for Hermann Park’s future as well as programs focused on visitor services, conservation and stewardship, tree care, and operations and maintenance of the McGovern Centennial Gardens.

Photo of Houston Audubon Society Houston Audubon Society
(713) 932-1639 Headquarters/Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary

Purpose: To advance the conservation of birds and positively impact their supporting environments. Founded in 1969.

Meetings: with speakers are held the second Thursday of alternate school months: Sept, Nov, Jan, March, & May at United Way Center at 50 Waugh Drive. See website for details. Houston Audubon Nature Photography Association (HANPA) meetings: Third Wednesdays of each month, Sept-May, 7 p.m., HAS headquarters.…

Photo of Houston Arboretum and Nature Center Houston Arboretum and Nature Center

Purpose: To provide education about the natural environment to people of all ages and to protect and enhance the Arboretum as a haven and as a sanctuary for native plants and animals. Programs: Adult classes on nature, wildlife, art, photography, food and wine, and more. We also offer family programs, special events, Memberships, private group tours, guided nature hikes, citizen science opportunities, a Nature Shop, and rentals.…

Photo of Houston Electric Auto Association Houston Electric Auto Association

Purpose: The HEAA is a non profit (501 c3) organization of electric vehicle owners, hobbyists, educators and enthusiasts. Dedicated to promoting the use of electric vehicles (EV’s) as an environmental and energy alternative. We are a chapter of the nationwide Electric Auto Association (EAA), and hold regular monthly meetings, public displays, car shows and “tech” sessions to exchange information.

Photo of HARC HARC
(281) 364-6000

Purpose: HARC (the Houston Advanced Research Center) is a nonprofit research hub providing independent scientific analysis. HARC focuses on building a sustainable future that helps people thrive and nature flourish. Programs: HARC’s research focuses on air, water, energy, and resilience. Current research programs include Air Quality Science, Clean Energy Research, Hydrology and Watersheds, Energy Efficient Buildings, and the Environmentally Friendly Drilling Systems (EFD) Program.…

Photo of Houston Botanic Garden Houston Botanic Garden
(713) 715-9675

Purpose: To establish and sustain a premier botanic garden to promote public appreciation and understanding of plants, gardens, and conservation of the natural world through education and scientific enquiry. Through discovery, education and the conservation of plants and the natural environment, the HBG aims to enrich lives, serve as a model for sustainability, and inspire all who visit to become environmental stewards.…

Photo of Houston Canoe Club Houston Canoe Club
(832) 909-3843

Purpose: Established in 1964, the Houston Canoe Club’s members are interested in all types of paddlesport from canoeing to kayaking, quietwater, whitewater, touring and racing. We do it all and have fun doing it. Canoe safety presentations are available for school groups.

Meeting Time: 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at the Bayland Community Center, 6400 Bissonnet Street, Houston, TX 77074.…

Photo of Houston Land/Water Sustainability Forum Houston Land/Water Sustainability Forum
(832) 456-1000

Purpose: To enhance, enable, and integrate sustainable use of land and water for the Houston area’s continued growth and economic vitality.

Maintaining the pace of growth and development in the greater Houston area requires that those with a vested interest adopt new ideas and employ new methods that will insure that growth can be sustained.…

Photo of Houston Peace and Justice Center Houston Peace and Justice Center
(713) 900-4752

Purpose: The Houston Peace and Justice Center provides networks and resources for organizations and individuals to advance peace and social justice.

Programs: Links and resources to various social justice movements happening in the area.

Volunteer Opportunities: Fill out an application online to become a volunteer.…

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