Houston Parks Board » Environmental Resource Guide
The Environmental Resource Guide is a searchable, web-based resource that includes information about all organizations in the Greater Houston Area conducting environmental work. This guide is a one-stop-shop for any resources or connections you may need, and is updated often to ensure you have access to the newest information.
Scroll through the guide, view a list of all organizations, or view all categories of organizations below. At the very bottom of the page is an archive containing older versions of the printed guide available for download.
If you have any questions, would like to make edits to a current listing, or would like to add or remove an organizations, please reach out to us.
Houston Parks Board
Houston Parks BoardMission
Purpose: The Houston Parks Board creates, improves, protects and advocates for parks for everyone. HPB is driven by the vision of thriving parks and communities for everyone forever.
Programs: Parkland and greenspace acquisition; park capital improvement projects; collaboration with other green groups; Neighborhood Partnership Program; 50/50 Park Partners Challenge; Volunteer Program.
Bayou Greenways 2020: HPB, in partnership with the City of Houston and Houston Parks and Recreation Department, and in coordination with Harris County Flood Control District, is currently leading the transformational $220 million project to complete a 150-mile network of connected parks and trails along Houston’s major waterways.
Beyond the Bayous: Beyond the Bayous is the shared vision of HPB and its cross-sector partners for expanding Greater Houston’s public realm to improve greenspace equity and connectivity between parks, homes and jobs; increase public access to parks; and enhance the environmental health of communities.
Speakers Bureau: Contact Executive Director. https://houstonparksboard.org/get-involved/request-a-speaker
Publications: All annual reports are published on HPB’s website. To view the reports as well as videos about HPB’s impact, click here.
Beth White, President and CEOÂ bethwhite@houstonparksboard.org
Lisa Kasianowitz, Outreach Manager lisa@houstonparksboard.org
General Email Address: info@houstonparksboard.org