• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Help protect the pollinators during National Pollinator Week

by Eduardo de la Garza Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it. They pollinate. Well fleas may not, but plenty of insects, such as butterflies, do. National Pollinator Week began June 19 and runs through June 25. The event, managed by Pollinator Partnership was organized to protect pollinators — the birds, bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, and…

Give your broken things new lives at Repair Cafe

by Eduardo de la Garza Years ago, when your electronics stopped working, you fixed them instead of tossing them in the trash and adding to CO2 emissions required to make new products. Sometimes owners used their ingenuity to fix their own possessions if they couldn’t afford to take them to repairmen. Or maybe you were a child who used to…

Head to Galveston to honor the ocean with Artist Boat

by Eduardo de la Garza The world’s oceans are majestic. Waves crash into shores, and tides are ruled by the moon and sun. Before humans were drawn to explore space, they were drawn to explore the oceans — to use it for travel and journey deep under its surface. On June 8, we celebrate World Ocean Day. According to WorldOceanDay,org,…