• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

‘Once there was a tree …’

“… and she loved a little boy.” We’ve all read Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree. It takes on different meanings depending on when in your life you read it — or re-read it. It can be a story about unconditional love, or an allegory of greed and narcissism, or the passage of time. The tree gives everything it has, and…

Don’t let your neighborhood turn into a waste dump

We’ve seen the problem of illegal trash dumping everywhere. Empty cans, plastic bags, and rotting food can be bad enough, but unwanted furniture, a worn-out mattress, or old tires can soon turn an unoccupied lot into landfills Earthday.org reports that in 2017, the United States produced 267.8 million tons of solid waste, some is dumped in landfills which releases methane…

Observing the Day of Service

Last week, we called on you to add making the environment better to your list of resolutions, whether through donating money or time. This week, with the National Day of Service coming on Monday, we’re going to focus on the donating time aspect. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is Monday, Jan. 16. In 1994, Congress passed the King Holiday and…