• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Celebrating a woman’s roar

Although the lion is seen as the king of the jungle, the lioness is the actual leader of the pride. She is the main hunter, protects the cubs, and fends off encroaching animals, even lions. In 1971, songwriter Helen Reddy penned “I am Woman,” which included the lines “… hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore.” But one…

Humans: The Stewards of Wildlife

“Going the way of the Dodo” is a euphemism for the end of something, that something becomes irrelevant and obsolete. It becomes extinct. The Dodo isn’t just a metaphor, nor a character in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. It’s commonly regarded as the first animal — a bird — to be driven to extinction by humans. The last Dodo died…

Going Texan isn’t just about dressing like a cowboy

Saddle up pardners — it’s time to git’ along, dust off them boots, and shine y’all’s belt buckles. Go Texan Day is Feb. 24. Go Texan Day began in 1954 to promote the livestock show and rodeo, an event that was to become the current Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. Before the era of social networks, it was proposed that…