• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

CEC Welcomes Emily Engelbart as an Environmental Journalism intern

As the new Environmental Journalism intern for the Citizens Environmental Coalition, Emily Engelbart is eager to get started in her new position. She is an incoming Journalism sophomore at The University of Texas at Austin and is pursuing both a Spanish minor and a certificate in Environment and Sustainability. After graduation, her dream is to create documentaries about a variety…

CEC Welcomes Amy Kuriakose as an Environmental Policy Intern

Amy Kuriakose is a rising senior at Rice University who is double majoring in Environmental Science and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and minoring in Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities. As a student with experience in research and community service, she is looking forward to making a meaningful community impact through her work at the CEC. Amy is especially interested in…

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