• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Synergy Event with Yolanda Green

Going Green with Yolanda Green will recap last week’s CEC Synergy Awards Luncheon, for which Ms. Green was the MC. Saturday, November 13, 2010, at noon and Sunday, November 14, 2010, at 10:00am on Houston’s channel 39, KIAH-TV Houston. More at http://www.39online.com/lifestyle/goinggreen/.

EarthShare of Texas Campaign Season

EarthShare of Texas supports the work of its more than 70 participating environmental and conservation organizations by representing them in workplace giving programs throughout Texas. Workplace giving is the opportunity for employees to contribute by having their designated amounts deducted contributed from each paycheck.  As a member of EarthShare of Texas, CEC has unique campaign codes that you can use…

Synergy Award Winners Announced

Since 1997, the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition has hosted the annual Synergy Awards Luncheon to recognize local individuals and organizations for their notable environmental projects and achievements. This year, we are proud to solute the following individuals and groups for their outstanding contributions to our community. Army and Sarah Emmott Conservation Award Tom Solomon – Texas Master Naturalist Government Award Steve…

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