• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Beat the Heat – Stay Cool During Scorching Temperatures!

Did you know that choosing natural spaces over concrete can make a significant difference in temperature? Concrete absorbs and retains heat, contributing to the formation of heat islands in urban areas (learn more here). By seeking out green spaces like parks or gardens, you’ll experience cooler temperatures and enjoy the added benefit of being close to nature. So when the…

2023 Greater Houston Environmental Summit

In September 2023, CEC hosted a diverse gathering of its members as well as influential leaders, subject matter experts, educators, enthusiasts, volunteers and passionate citizens for a day of inspiration, education and collaboration. 2023 Theme: Strengthening Connections for a Greener, Healthier Houston Energized by the 2023 theme, CEC was joined by a line up speakers who are leaders in the…

Native Prairies Association of Texas seeks Executive Director

Our Mission and People: Native Prairies Association of Texas (NPAT) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) accredited land trust dedicated to the conservation, restoration, and appreciation of native prairies, savannas, and other grasslands in Texas. We are committed to the highest standard of integrity in our land protection practices in accordance with the Land Trust Accreditation Commission (LTAC) standards. NPAT currently holds…