Resolve to Take Action

The start of a new year is often seen as a time for rebirth, change, or self improvement. We encourage you to consider adding an important resolution to your list: Resolve to take action to improve the environment! We’ve included some suggestions below to give you some ideas on what you can take on. No action is too small!
The Center for EcoTechnology has a few great resolutions that you can adopt to reduce your carbon footprint, including: use reusable bags for shopping, use reusable water bottles instead of plastic, use reusable batteries when possible, reduce your meat consumption, and more!
You can also make a difference by conserving water, which just means using less by using it more efficiently. The Galveston Bay Foundation is one of our member organizations that offers regular rain barrel workshops, but also check out the municipality that you live in – many of them offer rain barrel workshops throughout the year as well, including the City of Houston.
And of course, check out the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition’s calendar for hundreds of ways to get involved! It’s chock full of tree planting events, volunteer opportunities, and online seminars to enrich and improve your life. Of note, Exploration Green has wetland planting every Wednesday and tree planting on the 21st; the Houston Audubon Raptor and Education Center has work parties on the first Wednesday of every month where volunteers can help with maintenance and litter pick-up; SPLASh, which addresses trash pollution and bird conservation, has numerous upcoming trash pickups – the next one is Jan.7 and after that, Jan. 14; and the Houston Parks and Recreation Department has a tree planting event at Blackhawk Park on Jan. 14. Take a look at the calendar below for more ways to get involved.
We wish you a joyful new year!