A Few Funding Resources for the New Year

Seeking funding to pursue your mission can feel daunting, so we wanted to share a few resources that might help in the new year!
One of our member organizations, Environment Texas, recently announced that they are starting a new newsletter to help folks stay informed on available federal funding for clean energy. This newsletter will be a compilation of funding announcements and updates they receive from other groups, as well as include recent highlights from the energy world. To join, send a note to Grace Coates and let her know!
We also encourage qualifying organizations to apply to be part of EarthShare Texas, a nonprofit organization that raises and distributes funds to qualifying member organizations in Texas. CEC and several of our member organizations are members and benefit from their hard work, but they are always looking for more! EarthShare Texas conducts a member consideration cycle every November, but is happy to start the conversation year-round. To apply, please visit EarthShare Texas’ member application website.
And of course, keep an eye on funding from the Galveston Bay Estuary Program, the Gulf of Mexico Alliance, North American Association of Environmental Education, and team up with other organizations to apply for these or any other grants together. Check out the CEC Environmental Resource Directory for organizations doing great work in the area that could make good partners.
To learn more about writing grants or other organizational support for your nonprofit, check out the workshops provided by the United Way Houston, which offers partners and other nonprofit organizations resources, training, and opportunities to collaborate, network, and share. Visit United Way Houston’s Nonprofit Connection website for more information.
Wishing you a bountiful new year!