• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org
Houston Environmental News Update July 20, 2022

Houston Environmental News Update July 20, 2022

Latino Conservation Week, Gardening with Native Plants, Women in Coastal Science, We the Power, Busy Bees, Green Jobs, and more

Dear Friends,

Through July 24, we mark Latino Conservation Week, an initiative of the Hispanic Access Foundation launched in 2014 “to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources.”

According the the website, during Latino Conservation Week “non-profit, faith-based, and government organizations and agencies hold events throughout the country. From hiking and camping to community roundtables and film screenings, these activities promote conservation efforts in their community, and provide an opportunity for Latinos to show their support for permanently protecting our land, water, and air.”

While there are currently no planned activities in the Southeast Texas region, it’s no doubt only a matter of time. In May, Stephen Klineberg, Ph.D., founding director of Rice University’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research and professor emeritus of sociology, presented his final presentation of the Kinder Houston Area Survey, which he and his students conducted for more than four decades.

As Klineberg has long noted, during that time Houston has evolved from a largely biracial city to perhaps the most racially diverse major metropolis in the United States. The growing presence of Latinos, of course, has been a major driver of that transformation.

Reflecting on changes in attitudes over the decades, the 2022 report noted that Houstonians “are increasingly celebrating Houston’s burgeoning diversity and feeling more at home
in a world of thriving friendships across ethnic communities, religious beliefs, and sexual orientations.”

But as Understanding Houston, a collaborative initiative led by the Greater Houston Community Foundation, noted in a recent report, celebrating diversity is not necessarily the same as recognizing that inclusion (or lack thereof) is of paramount importance. “While our population may be diverse — in a variety of ways — we are not equally inclusive. The very groups which allow us to claim diversity as a strength are the same ones that have been historically marginalized and harmed. Racist policies and practices outlawed decades ago still affect large swathes of the population, who, despite living in the nation’s most diverse region, do not enjoy true equity. In many cases, some progress has been made for underserved groups, but for others, the damage has lingered with devastating impacts.”

In Houston, one of the primary ways that inequity is felt is the air pollution and other environmental effects felt by minority communities, such as the East End and the Third Ward. Some of the local organizations which are working to address those concerns are Air Alliance Houston, T.e.j.a.s. (Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services) and the Robert D. Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice at Texas Southern University.

Top image: Latino Conservation Week


Summer of Action 2022

Our Summer of Action is clipping along, having produced two successful Community Listening Sessions.

Next on the agenda is a series of three Skill-Building Sessions designed to empower concerned citizens and local community leaders to advocate for climate resilience funding from the Justice40 initiative and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Thanks to funding from EDF, these events are free and open to the public:

Please register at Eventbrite for these and other Summer of Action events. We look forward to seeing you there!

CEC seeks partner organizations for fall Candidate Forum

CEC is looking for member organizations to partner with us in hosting a Candidate Forum on October 2 focused on environmental issues. If you or your organization is interested in teaming up, please send an email to charlotte.cisneros@cechouston.org.

Meet new CEC Executive Director Charlotte Cisneros!

Please join the Citizens’ Environmental Community and its members on August 4, from 5-8 p.m., as we publicly welcome new Executive Director Charlotte Cisneros during a Happy Hour at White Rhino, 319 Milby St. in the East End. In addition to connecting over a cold beverage, we will also provide information on upcoming CEC events and programs, and learn how White Rhino contributes to conservation and sustainability efforts. For more information, see the Facebook event.

Professional Development Opportunities for Teachers

Join fellow environmental educators every other Friday morning for a quick check-in to collaborate. The next meeting is July 29, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Bring your coffee (or tea) and ideas for things that are working in your programs (or questions about things that are not). The Zoom call is hosted by regional board members from the Texas Association for Environmental Education. Email Alicia at Alicia.Mein@pct3.hctx.net for Zoom link and any questions.

Virtually Wild! Texas Student Learning Programs

Region 4 Education Service Center partners with the Virtually Wild! Texas team to provide students with engaging and interactive TEKS-aligned virtual environmental education field trips that highlight careers in conservation. These free 45-minute programs are live, and teachers and students are encouraged to engage with natural resources professionals by asking questions. Topics vary by program and have included endangered species, animal adaptations, habitat exploration, wildlife crime investigations, and more! Public, private, homeschool, hospitals, and education sites are welcome to view. See program listings and register at esc4.net.

Texas Wildlife Foundation Summer 2022 Teacher Workshops

The Texas Wildlife Foundation is offering Teacher Workshops, both virtual and in-person through July 28. Teacher Workshops are six-hour trainings that introduce attendees to the Texas Wildlife Association, in-class and outdoor lessons and activities, and how to incorporate natural resources into classrooms or programming. Lessons focus on teaching land stewardship, native wildlife, and water conservation and are Science TEKS-aligned for Grades K-8. Learn more and register at texas-wildlife.org.

Other opportunities:

Please scroll down to read about public engagement opportunities and notes from our member organizations and the community.


EJ Stakeholders/Advocates Meeting with EPA Region 6 Administrator Earthea Nance

On July 21, from 10 a.m.-noon, EPA Region 6 Administrator Earthea Nance, Ph.D. will hold a virtual meeting with environmental justice (EJ) stakeholders and advocates. Agenda topics will include: 1) How can we work together to improve the protection of communities with environmental justice concerns?; 2) Priorities for Region 6 – Draft Structure for Improved Community Engagement; and 3) Discussion and Feedback from EJ Stakeholders, among others. Connect to the meeting through usepa.zoomgov.com.

Informational Meeting, Public Hearing for CDBG Regional Mitigation Funds Method of Distribution

The Houston-Galveston Area Council staff is accepting public comment on a conditionally approved preliminary Method of Distribution (MOD) for $488,762,000 in U.S. Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Mitigation funds to provide funds to counties and local jurisdictions for risk mitigation projects related to flooding, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. H-GAC staff will take oral and written public comments during a public hearing on July 21 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.. The hearing will be at H-GAC, second floor conference rooms, and on Zoom. Registration is requested to attend in person and required to attend online. As it is a public hearing, H-GAC staff is not permitted to respond to any questions or comments during this meeting.

Worst Case Discharge Rule Sign-on Letter

CEC member organization Clean Water Action asks organizational members of the environmental community to sign this Worst Case Discharge Rule Sign-on Letter. This proposed EPA regulation could ensure that the largest chemical storage tank facilities must have a plan in place in case of a spill caused by a weather event. As climate change progresses, more and more of these dangerous weather events are occurring, and communities of color and disadvantaged communities are at much greater risk of experiencing the fall out of a catastrophic chemical spill. The technical letter urges EPA to tighten some of their proposed standards and focuses on enforcement mechanisms. The deadline to sign the letter is the close of business on July 22. Individuals can also submit comments for the public record here.

EPA Meaningful Engagement Roundtable Discussion

On July 26, from noon-2 p.m. Central Time, the EPA will hold a virtual roundtable discussion to hear from overburdened and underserved communities and other key stakeholders about potential requirements for states to conduct meaningful engagement in developing their state plans under Emissions Guidelines issued under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. The Agency’s proposed Emission Guidelines for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry included a requirement to meaningfully engage with communities during state plan development (beyond holding public hearings). As we develop the supplemental proposal for the Emissions Guidelines for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry, along with other section 111 (d)-related rules (e.g., power sector and subpart Ba implementing regulations), EPA would like to hear more from communities and other key stakeholders about potential meaningful engagement requirements. The discussion will be held over Microsoft Teams here.

EPA Gulf of Mexico Division Environmental Justice Discussion Group Kick-off Meeting

Beginning July 28, from 2:30-4 p.m., the EPA Gulf of Mexico Division office plans to host quarterly Environmental Justice discussion sessions to address issues affecting the Gulf Coast states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. The inaugural meeting will focus on introductions and expectation-setting. It will kick off what EPA anticipates to be a long-lasting GMD initiative to align its efforts with the deep-rooted work of EJ stakeholders, non-profit organization workers, academics, and municipal, state, and federal partners in our region. For more information and to register, visit teams.microsoft.com.  If you have any questions, send an email to GCEJLS_GMD@epa.gov.

Draft Water Quality Management Plan Update Public Comment Period open through July

Each year, the Houston-Galveston Area Council conducts water quality management planning as part of a Clean Water Act Section 604(b) grant program funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The Water Quality Management Plan Update describes activities that provide data and analysis regarding wastewater infrastructure, watershed planning, and sources of nonpoint source pollution that affect water quality in the Houston-Galveston region. Data collected through this project form the foundation of H-GAC’s watershed-based planning efforts in the region. As part of this process, the Draft Water Quality Management Plan Update is released for a public comment period. The public comment period will close at midnight on Sunday, July 31. The public is invited to provide comments on the report. Written comments can be submitted by email to Brian Sims.

White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council Public Meeting

On Aug. 3-4, from approximately 2 – 6:30 pm. Central Time each day, the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council will hold a public meeting. This free meeting is open to all members of the public. Individual registration is required and is available through the scheduled end time of the meeting day. The WHEJAC is interested in receiving public comments specific to the development of an annual public performance scorecard and the types of indicators or data that would be useful in a scorecard. This scorecard will provide a method for evaluation and accountability to assess the Federal Government’s progress in addressing current and historic environmental injustice. Learn more and register for the meeting at epa.gov.

Harris County flood risk reduction funds surveys

The Harris County Community Services Department is collecting feedback from communities on how to prioritize the $750 million in promised CDBG-MIT funds. The Committees recently submitted this letter to request that the Method of Distribution strongly prioritize flood risk reduction projects. You can find out more at HarrisRecovery.org, and the surveys, in English and Spanish, are open throughout the summer.

Public Comment on Harris County Storm Conveyance Tunnels proposal

The Harris County Flood Control District is seeking public comment on the recently released Feasibility Study on the Countywide Large Diameter Tunnels for Stormwater Conveyance, a $30 billion, 133-mile system of 8 large underground tunnels to drain stormwater out of the county’s bayous and streams. Public comment will be accepted through September 30. The next phase of the project will include community meetings. Find more information, including the presentation slides and video of a public meeting held in June, at hcfcd.org.

Learn about additional public comment opportunities at cechouston.org.


We have endeavored to confirm the opportunities listed below. Please consider confirming directly with the hosts.

Houston Public Media: Toxic chemical found in soil near Union Pacific railroad in Kashmere Gardens

“Dioxin — a highly toxic chemical compound — has been found in a soil sample collected near a contaminated site in Kashmere Gardens, the Houston Health Department says,” reports Lucio Vaquez of Houston Public Media. “The sample was taken near the Union Pacific railyard, which is contaminated with creosote — a likely human carcinogen — that resulted in the neighborhood being deemed a cancer cluster in 2019. Union Pacific claims they have been working to investigate and clean up the railyard land for the past 30 years, although critics say the company’s plan isn’t robust.” Read the full story at houstonpublicmedia.org.

Lone Star Legal Aid’s “All About Ports” workshop series

Every Thursday in July, Lone Star Legal Aid’s Equitable Development Initiative will host an interactive webinar series about how to advocate for environmental justice and economic justice in communities affected by ports and industry along the Texas Gulf Coast. Topics include port governance, climate change, port expansions, railways, trucking and truck yards, air pollution, environmental nuisances, dredging, advocacy tools, and more. Each webinar will begin at 7 p.m. Learn more and register at eventbrite.com.

Harris County Hill at Sims Regional Park Open House

On July 20, from 6:30-8 p.m., the Houston Parks Board and Harris County Precinct One will hold an Open House to show the updated park design for the plan to transform a more than 100-acre detention basin into the Harris County Hill at Sims Regional Park.  The Pen House will be held at Cloverland Church of Christ, 11903 Scott St. Following the open house, there will be a short tour of the Hill at Sims. Light bites and refreshments will be provided. Learn more at hcp1.net.

Bay Area Sierra Club meeting: Gardening with Native Plants

On July 20, from 7-8:30 p.m., the Bay Area chapter of the Sierra Club will hold a virtual meeting featuring a presentation by Debbie Bush, a member of the Native Plant Society in the Clear Lake area, who will discuss garden techniques for native plants in this region. She will discuss how to nurture native plants during a drought, native plants that are easy to grow from seed, and native plants that are easier to locate for purchase. For more information and to register, visit meetup.com.

Disaster Debris Funding Opportunities for Local Jurisdictions

On July 21, from 10-11:30 a.m., the Houston-Galveston Area Council will present a webinar about the disaster debris related funding opportunities available to local jurisdictions. Topics will include the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and others. For more information and to register, visit h-gac.com.

The Economics of Nonpoint Source Pollution and Implications for the Texas Coast

On July 21, from 11 a.m.-noon, Clean Coast Texas will present a webinar featuring Sheila Olmstead, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin’s LBJ School of Public Affairs, about the economics of nonpoint source pollution and its implications for the Texas coast. For more information and to register, visit eventbrite.com.

Climate Conversations: Urban Transportation

On July 21, from 2-3 p.m., the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine will host a webinar about how cities can navigate today’s challenges and opportunities around reducing emissions and improving residents’ mobility. Priya Zacharia, Chief Resilience and Sustainability Officer for the City of Houston, and Cris Liban, Chief Sustainability Officer at the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, will discuss how planners and policymakers can support a transition to more equitable, lower-emissions urban transportation systems. For more information and to register, visit nationalacademies.org.

The Supreme Court’s New Major Questions Doctrine — Unpacking West Virginia v. EPA

On July 21, from 2-3 p.m., Public Citizen will host a virtual panel discussion of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, which announced a new approach for court review of agency regulations: the “major questions doctrine.” The expert panel will discuss what the ruling means – and doesn’t mean – for the future of federal rulemaking, with practical steps for advocates. Register for the event at zoom.us

Native Plants for Wild Medicine – What Science Says

On July 21, beginning at 7 p.m., the Houston chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas will hold its monthly meeting at the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center. The guest speaker will be Mark “Merriwether” Vorderbruggen, Ph.D., organic chemist, author, and founder of the website Foraging Texas. He will discuss the medicinal powers of eight native Texas plants and how to incorporate these plants into your daily diet. For more information, visit npsot.org.

Women in Coastal Science Series

On July 22, beginning at 9 a.m., Visit Galveston will host a Women in Coastal Science talk by Kristen Vale, Texas Coastal Program Coordinator for the American Bird Conservancy. At ABC, Kristen helps coordinate the protection, monitoring, and outreach of imperiled beach-nesting birds and nonbreeding bird species along the Texas Coast. Light refreshments provided. Breakfast cocktails and small bites available for purchase.The talk will be held at The Pavilion at East Beach Park, 1923 Boddeker Rd., Galveston. For more information and to register, visit visitgalveston.com.

We The Power: Screening and Conversation

On July 22, beginning at 7 p.m. Central Time, Solar United Neighbors will host a virtual screening, followed by a conversation, of the film We The Power. The film follows friends, families and visionaries as they break down legislative barriers and take power back from big energy companies to put in the hands of locals. The film chronicles local cooperatives from deep in Germany’s Black Forest to the streets of ancient Girona in Spain and the urban rooftops of London, England, as they pave the way for a renewable-energy revolution and build healthier, more financially stable communities. For more information and to register, visit solarunitedneighbors.org.

Ecological Landscapes & Gardening

On July 23, from 8-11 a.m., the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center will host a volunteer event featuring for hands-on experience in the Arboretum’s gardens. Volunteers will learn to identify and landscape with native plants, including pollinator favorites and butterfly host species. These monthly outdoor projects are extremely rewarding and include planting, pruning, transplanting, weeding, and collecting seed from the Arboretum’s gardens. For more information and to register, visit houstonarboretum.org.

Busy Bees on Buffalo Bayou

On July 23, beginning at 9 a.m., Buffalo Bayou Partnership will host an activity where participants can get up close and watch bees in action through an observatory beehive. Participants will learn the role of bees in a colony, how honey is made, the life span of a bee, and so much more. Robby Robinson, BBP’s Field Operations Manager, who has nearly 50 years of experience beekeeping, will share his knowledge about raising bees along Buffalo Bayou. For more information and to register, visit buffalobayou.org.

Plastic Free July Family Picnic

On July 23, from 9-11 a.m., the Memorial Park Conservancy will host a Plastic Free July Family Picnic at the Clay Family Eastern Glades, North Lakeside Pavilion. Master storyteller Leona Hoegsber will weave her magic with tales about creatures, the environment, and how to protect them. There will be interactive educational activities for kids and families. All are invited to come along, bring a blanket or a chair, and join us for a morning of learning and fun. No registration necessary.

Plastic/Trash Cleanup Volunteer Work Day

On July 23, from 9 a.m.-noon, Houston Audubon will host a volunteer cleanup of Rummel Creek clean up event. Volunteers are invited to come to Edith L Moore Nature Sanctuary to help staff remove plastic and other litter from the creek. Training and tools will be supplied on the day of the event. For more information and to register, visit houstonaudubon.org.

World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council applications due July 27

The World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council is a group of 20-25 young people from countries around the world who are already actively engaged in ocean conservation efforts in their communities. They come together to share their efforts with each other and the world, develop their leadership skills  to strengthen their impact, and inspire millions of other people to take action for our blue planet. The application period for the 2022-2023 cohort is open through July 27. To learn more about the Council and to apply, visit worldoceanday.org.

Partnering for Change: The Journey to Secure a Better Future for Texas Mountain Lions

On July 27, beginning at 7 p.m., the Houston chapter of the Native Prairie Association of Texas will hold a virtual meeting featuring a presentation by Monica Morrison, a volunteer tiger docent at the Dallas Zoo and founder of Texas Native Cats, a nonprofit that provides education, outreach, and advocacy for Texas’ five species of wild cats, past and present. She will discuss how Texas Native Cats is building an effort to help Texas mountain lions through education, collaboration, and strategic partnerships. For more information and to register, visit Meetup.com.

Program funding opportunity: Improving Coastal Community Resilience with Green Infrastructure

The Gulf of Mexico Alliance’s Integrated Planning Cross-Team Initiative seeks to fund a green infrastructure project that will improve community resilience and reduce water pollution in one of three areas in Texas and Louisiana, including Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris and Jefferson Counties. Up to $41,000 is available for a 12 month project; matching funds are not required. Applications are due by July 29. Find the full Request for Proposals and Application at gulfofmexicoalliance.org.

Gulf of Mexico Youth Climate Summit

From July 29-30, the Consortium for Ocean Leadership will host the inaugural Gulf of Mexico Youth Climate Summit, uniting young environmental stewards ages 15-25 from around the Gulf of Mexico and the U.S. The Summit will be dedicated to the preservation of the Gulf in hopes of protecting it from the dire effects of climate change and using it as a base for climate action all over the gulf territories. Participants will engage with fellow youth leaders and experts to engulf themselves in the conversations around the issues facing the Gulf and what they can do to contribute to the environmental movement in their own communities. For more information and to register, visit this Google document.

Buzzz’s Hive Design Workshop

On July 30, from 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Architecture Center Houston, in conjunction with the exhibition The Architecture of Bees, will offer a workshop where students ages 7-9 will plan, sketch, and build a model of a hive before presenting their bee-inspired designs to the group. Students will learn about the important role honeybees play in the ecosystem, and about their key design element – the hexagon. For more information and to register, visit aiahouston.org.

Purple Martin Migration Watch Party

On July 30, before sunset, Houston Audubon will host a Purple Martin Migration Watch Party. Purple Martins migrate from South America beginning in late January to nest across North America. Before heading back south for the winter, Purple Martins gather in larger numbers and feed on flying insects to fuel up for their long journey. At dusk, groups of up to 500,000 come together to roost. Grab your friends and family, bring a lawn chair, and enjoy a unique experience. Specific location and time can be found at houstonaudubon.org.

Houston Bird Week calendar submissions

Bird Week 2022 will be held Sep. 17 – 24, and Houston Audubon is looking forward to both in-person and virtual events reaching tens of thousands of people around the world. Due to increased interest and limited calendar space, Houston Audubon is implementing an application process for the official Houston Bird Week calendar. Interested organizations are asked to fill out the Bird Week event application form before August 1. The Bird Week committee will review all applications and respond within two weeks of submission. Please note that events will not be added to the Bird Week calendar until the application has been approved by the committee. Upon approval, they will reach out with further details and a partner agreement. For full information, visit houstonaudubon.org.


Youth Innovation Challenge 2022

The Youth Innovation Challenge, hosted by the Global Environmental Education Partnership, gives young people (aged 15–30) around the world a chance to come up with innovative solutions to the pressing environmental issue of marine debris, using EE as a key strategy. They are looking for solutions that are innovative, feasible, and informed by research. Winning solutions will receive global recognition and a $1,000 prize. An Applicant Webinar will be held on July 21 at 8 a.m. Central Time to learn tips and tricks for submitting a strong Youth Innovation Challenge video pitch and proposal. Proposals must be submitted before September 1 at 11:59 PM U.S. Eastern Time. For more information and to register, visit thegeep.org.

Marine Debris Art Contest

Registration is open through September 1 for Artist Boat’s Marine Debris Art Contest. Artists and ocean-lovers of all ages can submit pieces to display at the art gallery. Art pieces are comprised primarily of marine debris and demonstrate the effects aquatic trash can have on our oceans and the life that depends on them. Art pieces must be brought to Artist Boat (13330 Settegast Road, Galveston) by September 23. The judging and viewing of the art pieces will be held on Oct, 8 at the Galveston Art League. For full rules and submission guidelines, visit artistboat.org.

2022 Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest

The National Marine Sanctuaries 2022 Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest is underway through September 5. All photographers, regardless of skill level or experience, are invited to participate. Each photographer may submit up to 10 photos (minimum of 1200 pixels wide) that tell the stories of the National Marine Sanctuaries, including Texas’s own Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. Winning photographs will be announced in October 2022 as the Sanctuaries celebrate their 50th anniversary. For full contest rules and submission information, visit sanctuaries.noaa.gov.

2022 Wild “InSight” Photo Contest

TWRC Wildlife Center is holding its 4th Wild “InSight” Photo Contest, which raises funds for the Wildlife Center operations and Animal Care Program. Submissions will be accepted through September 26. TWRC Wildlife Center is also seeking sponsors for its 2023 WildInSight Calendar. Contact Anna Saxton for more information. For more information, visit twrcwildlifecenter.org.

Reminders About Ongoing Opportunities

  • Plastic Free EcoChallenge. Throughout July, you are invited to consider joining either the Plastic Free EcoChallenge Lutherans Restoring Creation – Gulf Coast team or the Interfaith Environmental Network of Houston team. Contact Lisa Brenskelle, team captain, at gcs.lrc@gmail.com.
  • Buffalo Bayou Partnership 2022 Summer Species: Bees. Buffalo Bayou Partnership has announced its second annual Summer Species – BEES. Through August, BBP will take the Houston community on a deep dive into these busy little insects. At various locations, experts will lead workshops, walks, talks, and experiential activities for participants of all ages. For the full listing of events, visit buffalobayou.org.
  • The Architecture of Bees. Through August 26, Architecture Center Houston offers the exhibition The Architecture of Bees in the gallery of its headquarters at 902 Commerce St. Curated by architect and beekeeper Wendy Heger, AIA, The Architecture of Bees is an immersive educational visual arts exhibition that brings together designers, architects, naturalists, and beekeepers to illustrate the importance and influence of bees on human design and construction. For more information, visit aiahouston.org.
  • Texas Master Naturalistâ„¢ chapters seeking fall volunteers. Several area chapters of the Texas Master Naturalistâ„¢ program – a corps of well-informed volunteers who provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities – are seeking volunteers for the fall 2022 training season. Houston-Galveston area chapters include the Galveston Bay Area chapter, the Gulf Coast chapter, and the Lower Trinity River Basin chapter. Learn more at txmn.tamu.edu.

TV: Texas Parks & Wildlife

Broadcast on KUHT Channel 8 at 3 p.m. each Saturday and on municipal access cable channels in Baytown, Deer Park, Houston, Texas City, Galveston, Nassau Bay, Pasadena, Seabrook, Sugar Land, and on HCC TV. More info on the TPWD website (* indicates a segment about the Houston area). For a preview, visit TPWD’s YouTube Page.

  • Sometimes the journey is as big as the destination, especially if you’re carrying everything you need while camping and traveling by bicycle. Off-road bicycling meets backpacking in this adventure travelogue, as a group tests their endurance and documents their trek through Big Bend Ranch State Park
  • Emma Clarkson charged forward with designing an oyster farming program for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Her goal is to help protect natural oyster reefs while helping cultivate a strong seafood culture in Texas
  • Freelance photographer and regular contributor to the Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine, Russell Graves, shares some of his thoughts about what it takes to create quality outdoor photos
  • Through the vanishing art of lithography, a Fort Worth artist captures a conserved habitat and its wildlife in living color, while proceeds from his prints help save wild places, like pristine Powderhorn Ranch

Additional Upcoming Events

Check out the latest Green Jobs at cechouston.org/green-jobs/.