• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org
CEC Welcomes Herson Lazo as a Web Developer Intern

CEC Welcomes Herson Lazo as a Web Developer Intern

Herson after his final match
of his high school
season, winning the
league trophy

Herson Lazo is currently a junior at the University of Houston-Downtown, where he is pursuing a Bachelor’s in Computer Science. He is very involved in the university academically where he is part of the Sustain Scholar’s, a program that teaches students about the importance of sustainability and allows them to work on projects to make the University of Houston-Downtown more sustainable. In addition, he is also part of the Scholar’s Academy, an organization that helps prepare students for their professional careers through many opportunities and academic resources.

Herson is very energetic and loves to stay active through cardio weightlifting and playing soccer. In his free time, he likes to spend time socializing with friends and also enjoys playing videogames. Some of Herson’s goals are going to graduate school, developing his first mobile application and traveling around the world.

Herson is very excited to be a part of the CEC and will be working on various projects such as web development, film making and social media marketing. Herson hopes to help the CEC reach their goals in any way possible and is excited to learn new skills at the CEC.

Herson can be reached at herson.lazo@cechouston.org