• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org
CEC welcomes Tooba Narejo as a Communications Intern

CEC welcomes Tooba Narejo as a Communications Intern

Tooba is a junior in the honors program at the University of Houston Downtown. She is majoring in Management Information Systems and minoring in Organizational Leadership.

She has served as a secretary of Student Business Organization (SBO), vice president of the Fine Arts club, and a social chair of Active Minds at Lone Star College. She also won an award from the Economics Department at LSC in 2019. Lone Star’s SBO partnered with the ECO club to initiate Plant a Tree Project to carry out in Klein ISD elementary schools. However, due to COVID 19, Spring 2020 event dates were postponed.

Tooba has a passion for recycling. Despite not having any recycle bins in her apartment complex, she collects paper, plastic, glass, and other recyclables, and drive them to a local recycling repository. She wants to help contribute to greener earth with the belief “every droplet of water counts in making it a river.”

As an MIS major, her goal with this summer internship is to apply management, problem-solving, and communication skills while working with CEC. Also, she is passionate to learn what resources we have to make Earth greener, its atmosphere better, how to reduce the rising sea levels, and to promote the awareness among social media, and friends.

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