Houston Environmental News Update October 16, 2019
Fall Gala Season, Plant Sales, AIA Houston Home Tour, Imagine a Day Without Water, Green Jobs, and more

Those two cool-ish days the greater Houston region has experienced in the past week or so can mean only one thing — the nonprofit gala season is upon us! Fall brings a wealth of opportunities for members of the public to have a great time while helping their favorite environmental profit continue their invaluable work promoting and preserving our region’s natural environment.
The fun kicks off tomorrow, October 17, with Houston Audubon’s Golden Anniversary Gala, celebrating the group’s fifty years of promoting birding in the region. On Friday, Keep Pearland Beautiful will hold its Plant Thyme Fall Luncheon and Plant Sale. On Oct. 23, Scenic Houston will host its 2019 Scenic Houston Dinner. (See Coalition and Community Notes for details on these.)
Later in the season, we’ll see The Woods Project’s Fall Luncheon (Nov. 5), The Nature Conservancy’s 2019 Houston Conservation Gala (Nov. 7). the Buffalo Bayou Partnership 2019 Gala (Nov. 7), Bayou City Waterkeeper’s Folks ‘N Oysters, the Rice Design Alliance Gala (Nov. 9), Bayou Land Conservancy’s Land Lover Gala (Nov. 9) Blackwood Harvest Hoedown (Nov. 9), Keep Pearland Beautiful Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner (Nov. 14), Memorial Park Conservancy’s Urban Wild Bridge Bash (Nov. 15), Galveston Bay Foundation’s Guardian Gala (Nov. 15), and Artist Boat’s Float the Boat Gala (Nov. 16).
Do you know any we’ve missed? Drop us a line at news@cechouston.org.
The top image is courtesy of the Buffalo Bayou Partnership.
Climathon Houston 2019

On Oct. 25, 2019, CEC is partnering with Impact Hub Houston and other organizations in participating in Climathon 2019, an opportunity to engage the nonprofit, startup and entrepreneurship communities to develop innovative solutions towards climate action and connect thought leaders and subject matter experts with designers, developers, entrepreneurs, policymakers and activists for more creative, effective, and viable solutions Entrepreneurs, students, developers, and more are invited to come up with innovative solutions to Houston’s climate challenges. For more information, visit houston.impacthub.net. (We’ll have more in next week’s newsletter.)
Environmental Educators Exchange: Kickerillo Mischer Preserve
Environmental Educators, unite! All are welcome on Nov. 6, 2019 at Kickerillo-Mischer Preserve for the fall meeting of the Environmental Educators’ Exchange. Come and go as your schedule allows. Canoe from 3:30 – 5 pm., network from 5 – 5:45 p.m., and take a night hike from 5:45 – 6:30 p.m.. Our goal is to provide a space to rejuvenate, network, and learn about trends in environmental education. All are welcome (including children). RSVP on Eventbrite or contact alicia@cechouston.org.
Earth Day Houston

Earth Day Houston, part of the 50th worldwide observance, will be held at Discovery Green on Sunday, April 19, 2020. Volunteer opportunities are available at earthdayhouston.org/volunteer/. Opportunities to sponsor and exhibit will be available soon.
Scroll down to read notes from our member organizations and the community, or view the emailed version of the newsletter, which includes a green job listing.
We have endeavored to confirm the opportunities listed below. Please consider confirming directly with the hosts.
2019 Prairies & Pollinators

A regional celebration from Mid-September through Mid-November 2019. Includes nature hikes, classes, seed collecting events, festivals, film fests, etc., that celebrate the Coastal Prairies of our region. Full event details located at http://prairiepartner.org/2019-prairies-pollinators.
- Sat., 10/19/19: Prairie Pandemonium at Armand Bayou Nature Center
- Sun., 10/20/19: Clinton Park Prairie Planting
- Sat., 10/26/19: Bird Survey at Lawther-Deer Park Prairie
- See more at PrairiePartner.org
Harris County Flood Control District Community Engagement Meetings

The Harris County Flood Control District is holding a series of Community Engagement Meetings related to the 2018 Harris County Flood Control District Bond Program. As part of the preliminary engineering process conducted near the beginning of each project’s development stage, and prior to a formal Preliminary Engineering Report being presented to Commissioners Court for approval, the Flood Control District will conduct a public meeting in a primary project watershed to solicit public comments about the project. Learn more about the Program and the meetings here or see the Facebook events below.
- 10/17/19: Bridges and Channel Bypasses along Buffalo Bayou
- 10/21/19: Cypress Creek Watershed 1/2
- 10/24/19: Cypress Creek Watershed 2/2
2019 Texas Building Energy Summit

On Oct. 17, 2019, the U.S. Green Building Council Texas chapter will host the 2019 Texas Building Energy Summit at the Norris Conference Center at City Centre. The event is a forum for building owners/managers, energy and sustainability managers, engineers, federal and state government officials, consultants and other stakeholders focused on energy reduction and smarter technology solutions for buildings. For more information and to register, visit usgbctexas.org.
Texas Association of Environmental Professionals meeting

On Oct. 17, 2019, from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., the Texas Association of Environmental Professionals will hold its monthly luncheon meeting featuring a presentation by Dr. Prakash Khedun and Alan Lewis of Texas A&M University titled “BVWaterSmart Program – Increasing the Efficiency of Outdoor Water Use.” The luncheon will be held at the Cadillac Bar. For more information and to register, visit taep.org.
Houston Audubon’s Golden Anniversary Gala

On Oct. 17, 2019, from 6:30-9:30 p.m., Houston Audubon will hold its Golden Anniversary Gala celebrating 50 years of bird and wildlife conservation. Since 1969, Houston Audubon has been the voice for birds, and we’ve served the Houston-Gulf Coast region through land conservation, habitat restoration, education and advocacy. The event will be held at The Astorian. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit houstonaudubon.org.
Overwintering Sites of the Monarch Butterfly

On Oct. 17, 2019, beginning at 6:45 p.m., the Houston chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas will hold its monthly meeting featuring a presentation by Dr. Diane Russell, who will discuss her recent trip to the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Preserve to record this seemingly mythical site with photos and video clips. The meeting will be held at the American Red Cross building. For more information, visit npsot.org.
Plant Thyme Fall Luncheon and Plant Sale

On Oct. 18, 2019, Keep Pearland Beautiful will host its annual Plant Thyme Fall Luncheon and Plant Sale, featuring a keynote talk by RETREET Founder/Executive Director Grady McGahan as he shares his stories of how he created a public charity that provides disaster relief to communities on a local, national, and international level by leading volunteers in restoring decimated urban forests. The event will be held at Pearland’s First United Methodist Church. There will be concurrent plant sale from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Stella Roberts Recycling Center. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit keeppearlandbeautiful.org.
Climate Solution Paths Going Forward

On Oct. 18, 2019, from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., the South Texas Local Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers will hold its monthly meeting featuring a talk by Thomas E. Rehm, Ph.D., called “Climate Solution Paths Going Forward.” Rehm will describe the path taken to formation of AIChE’s Climate Solutions Community, the challenges of organizing this global community, the local initiatives that have sprung up to achieve the objectives of the community with respect to their regional challenges, and paths going forward in mitigation, adaptation, and resiliency. The event will be held at The Pipeline Grill in La Porte. To register, visit aiche.org.
GCBO Fall Native Plant Sale

On Oct. 19, 2019, from 8 a.m.-noon, the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory in Lake Jackson will hold its Fall Native Plant Sale. The sale will feature a wide variety of native plants for attracting birds and other wildlife. Volunteers will be on hand to assist visitors in their selections and help choose the perfect plants. For more information, see the Facebook event.
2019 WalkAbout for Clean Galveston

On Oct. 19, 2019, 9 a.m.-7 p.m., Clean Galveston (aka Keep Galveston Beautiful) will host a fundraiser treasure hunt through the Strand District to raise funds to kick off a grant program to fund other non-profit projects on Galveston Island that align with Clean Galveston’s mission statement. For more information and to register, visit eventbrite.com.
Bike Houston’s Moonlight Ramble

On Oct. 19, 2019, Bike Houston will hold its annual Moonlight Ramble. This year, the event will celebrate Space City’s 50th moon landing anniversary by adding a special space theme to this year’s ride. More than 1,000 costumed riders will join in this midnight adventure. In addition to the regular adult-focused fun ride, BikeHouston is adding a kids-party with a kidical mass, a kids’ light contest, and kids’ costume contest. For more information and to register, visit bikehouston.org.
AIA Houston Home Tour
On Oct. 19-20, 2019, American Institute of Architecture (AIA) Houston will hold its annual Houston Home Tour, a fundraiser and supports various AIA Houston initiatives throughout the year. The AIA Houston Home Tour showcases the finest residential architecture in the Houston area, as designed by licensed architects. Houses are chosen to showcase a variety of design styles demonstrating that excellence in design is not limited by size or dollars. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit aiahoustonhometour.org.
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council meeting

From Oct. 21-24, 2019, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will hold its meeting at The Tremont House in Galveston. For the full agenda and briefing materials, visit gulfcouncil.org.
Social Media Breakfast in Houston’s Gift of Guidance program seeks nonprofits

Social Media Breakfast in Houston is looking for nonprofits (must be 501c3 organizations in the Houston area) to apply for the 9th annual Gift of Guidance program with the Social Media Breakfast in Houston. During the program, which will be held on Dec. 13, 2019, from 8:30-10 a.m., at Houston Chronicle, the chosen non-profits organizations will be matched with SMBHOU volunteers who offer their pro bono advice to develop a mini social media plan over breakfast. To learn more about the program, watch this video on the SBMHOU Facebook page. The application deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2019. Nonprofits can apply here.
Imagine a Day Without Water on Oct. 23

Imagine a Day Without Water is a national education campaign that brings together diverse stakeholders to highlight how water is essential, invaluable, and in need of investment. This year, the fifth annual day of action will take place on Oct. 23, 2019, and will include events, resolutions, student contests, social media engagement, and more, all across the country. Anyone who cares about water and our nation’s infrastructure challenges is encouraged to join. Previous participants have included water and wastewater providers and agencies, mayors, local officials, contractors, civil engineers, schools, aquariums, all those with a water story to tell are invited to join. Learn more and sign up at imagineadaywithoutwater.org.
Autonomous Transit Service for Houston: A Proposal

On Oct. 23, 2019, from noon-1:30 p.m., Houston Tomorrow will hold a brown-bag lunch discussion featuring Nikhila Krishnan, who recently completed a Masters in Energy Technologies from the University of Cambridge. She will discuss why Houston transit organizations should consider automated vehicles when making future transit plans. The discussion will take place at the Houston-Galveston Area Council, 3555 Timmons Ave. RSVP to info@houstontomorrow.org.
2019 Scenic Houston Dinner

On Oct. 23, 2019, beginning at 6:30 p.m., Scenic Houston will hold its annual fundraiser dinner at the Houston Country Club. The event will honor Brad Freels (Scenic Visionary) and Allan Port (Scenic Hero). For more information and to purchase tickets, visit scenictexas.org.
Going Green Lecture: Mycohile or Mycophobe

On Oct. 24, 2019, beginning at 7 p.m., The Woodlands G.R.E.E.N. will present a Going Green Sustainability Lecture by Teri MacArthur, Environmental Education Specialist for The Woodlands Township Environmental Services Department, titled ” “Mycophile or Mycophobe–we all need mushrooms.” The lecture will be held at the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC). For more information, visit thewoodlandsgreen.
Protecting Children’s Health in Disasters
On Oct. 25, 2019, from 8:30-10:30 a.m., Air Alliance Houston and Texas Children’s Hospital, in partnership with Harris County Public Health, will hold a breakfast discussion on protecting children’s health in environmental emergency situations. Speakers will share information about the location of environmental health risks to children in the Houston area and discuss disaster preparedness and response, highlighting various resources available for health care providers. For more information and to register, visit eventbrite.com.
Houston Arboretum’s Fall Plant Sale

On Oct. 25-26, the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center will hold its Fall Plant Sale, featuring native flowers, shrubs, and trees – perfect for attracting butterflies, bees, and other pollinators to people’s yards or gardens. Proceeds benefit the Arboretum’s conservation and education efforts. For more information, visit houstonarboretum.org.
Nature Heritage Society Hill Hike
On Oct. 26, 2019, beginning at 8:45 a.m., the Nature Heritage Society will host a Hill Hike beginning at the Bessie Swindle Community Center. For more information, visit the Facebook event.
Buffalo Bayou East Master Plan Celebration

On Oct. 26, 2019, from noon-4 p.m., Buffalo Bayou Partnership will celebrate the culmination of the planning process for Buffalo Bayou’s East Sector. The event will feature live music, presentation of the master plan, and an opportunity to tour a new site overlooking the bayou. It will also include neighborhood vendors, St. Arnold Brewing Company, children’s activities, slabs and low riders. The first 100 people to attend will receive a free bike helmet, donated by BikeHouston. For more information, visit buffalobayou.org.
TV: Texas Parks & Wildlife

Broadcast on KUHT Channel 8 at 3 p.m. each Saturday and on municipal access cable channels in Baytown, Deer Park, Houston, Texas City, Galveston, Nassau Bay, Pasadena, Seabrook, Sugar Land, and on HCC TV. More info on the TPWD website (* indicates a segment about the Houston area). For a preview, visit TPWD’s YouTube Page.
- The beauty of a natural place takes on fresh dimension and draws some different crowds when arts activities like sculpture, painting and photography, are paired with parks.
- Hurricane Harvey wiped out one of the best birding boardwalks on the coast. It’s now back in business.
- Something is amiss with pronghorn antelope populations on the Marfa Plateau, but a coalition of landowners, biologists, and concerned citizens is on the case.
Additional Upcoming Events
- 10/27/19: Cooling Our Planet by Restoring the Water Cycle
- 10/27/18: Webinar: The Earth Charter & Lutheran Social Statements
- 10/28/19: Buffalo Bayou Park and Beyond: Panel Discussion
- 10/29/19: 2nd Annual Texas Plastic Pollution Symposium
- 10/29/19: Bacteria Implementation Group Fall Meeting
- 10/30/19: Bayou Preservation Association Annual Symposium
- 11/1/19: (Deadline) Terry Hershey Bayou Stewardship Awards nominations
- 11/2/19: Seabourne Nature Fest
- 11/2/19: 47th Annual Herb Fair
- 11/2-3/19: 2019 Good Brick Tour
- 11/5/19: The Woods Project 2019 Fall Luncheon – Tales from the Trails
- 11/7/19: The Nature Conservancy’s 2019 Houston Conservation Gala
- 11/7/19: Buffalo Bayou Partnership 2019 Gala
- 11/7/19: UH Energy Symposium: Future of Plastics
- 11/8-10/19: Texas Society for Ecological Restoration 24th Annual Conference (Galveston)
- 11/9/19: Repair Café 2019
- 11/9/19: Blackwood Harvest Hoedown
- 11/9/19: Bayou City Waterkeeper’s Folks ‘n Oysters
- 11/9/19: Rice Design Alliance 2019 Gala
- 11/10/19: HPJC Peacemaker Awards Dinner & Auction
- 11/12/19: Transition Houston Meeting: Houston Landscape of Nature
- 11/12/19: White Oak Bayou Association Annual Meeting: Lower White Oak Bayou Channel Restoration Study
- 11/13/19: Bayou Preservation Association 2019 Gala
- 11/14/19: Parks and Natural Areas Roundtable Field Trip
- 11/14/19: Keep Pearland Beautiful Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner
- 11/15/19: Galveston Bay Foundation Guardian Gala
- 11/16/19: Park to Port Bike Ride
- 11/16/19: Artist Boat Float the Boat Fundraiser and Gala
- 11/20/19: Power Tools for Nonprofits conference
- 11/24/19: Webinar: The Ecological Crisis & The Response of Faith
- 11/30/19: Smith Point Hawk Watch concludes
- 11/30/19: (Deadline) Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Conference early bird registration (event Feb. 3-6 in Tampa, Fla.)
- 12/4/19: 2019 Prairie Stampede
- 2/22/20: Conservation, Ecology, and Environmental Science Career Forum