CEC Welcomes Rucha Moharir as Environmental Education Intern
Rucha Moharir is an Environmental Science student at the University of Houston. She was born in Mumbai, India and came to Houston to pursue her higher education in 2015. She has been passionate about environmental issues since childhood, having joined Greenpeace India at the age of 13. She is an avid traveler, influenced by her parents, who, as she was growing up, taught her the importance of being a global citizen and exposed her to as many countries and cultures as they were capable of. She hopes to combine her two passions by becoming a sustainability consultant and traveling internationally to various green destinations for work, which will also help increase her knowledge of environmental issues around the world, and she wishes to use that knowledge to spread awareness among people who don’t have immediate access to such information.
Rucha understands the importance of all citizens being aware of pressing environmental concerns, especially local ones, and the importance of providing resources through which they can educate themselves on how they can do their part in
helping better the local environment. This is why she is very excited to join the CEC and do her part in spreading this awareness. Rucha can be reached at rucha.moharir@cechouston.org.