Houston Environmental News Update February 6, 2019
Save the Date: Earth Day Houston April 14, 2019
Environmental Education Specialist job, Green Film, and much more

Earth Day returns to Discovery Green in 2019!
Presented by Green Mountain Energy in partnership with the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition, Discovery Green’s citywide EarthDay celebration is designed to educate, inspire and encourage action. The event features displays, exhibits and booths on topics ranging from alternative energy to recycling methods, a foodie farmers market, unplugged – a live music acoustic mini-festival, Earth Talks, and more, all in a zero-waste footprint. This year’s event will be held on April 14 from 12 to 5 p.m. The 2019 celebration promises to inspire, educate, and motivate.
Haw can you be involved?
- Exhibit! Register by March 14 to be an exhibitor at earthdayhouston.org/exhibit/. Opportunities are available for nonprofits and government agencies; small, local businesses; and corporations with a commitment to the environment. Early registration discounts through February 14, 2019.
- Sponsor! Our sponsors range value the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and our community.Benefits include unique access to the green family market, exposure of you organization to over 10,000 festival attendees, and community stewardship and volunteer opportunities.The sponsorship deadline to be included in promotion is March 1, 2019.
- Volunteer! Opportunities are available for both individuals and groups. Sign up at earthdayhouston.org/volunteer.
- Plan to Attend! Save the date on Sunday, April 14, 2019.
Scroll down to read notes from our member organizations and the community, or view the emailed version of the newsletter, which includes a green job listing
CEC seeks Environmental Education SpecialistThe Citizens’ Environmental Coalition has received support to hire an Environmental Education Specialist for two years to connect formal and informal educators with each other and with learners. The Specialist will manage Here in Houston, the Environmental Educators’ Exchange, the Wild About Houston Green Film Festival, and generally connect the environmental education community. The job will include fundraising for these programs and related activities. This is a staff position funded for two years; continuation is dependent upon additional funding. Compensation, including salary, benefits, and a flexible work schedule, will start at $5,000/month, commensurate with experience. Accepting applications until Feb. 15, 2018, or until position is filled. View the full job description (pdf).
Houston Green Film Series: Divide in Concord
Please join CEC, the Houston Green Film Series, the Rice Media Center, and additional partners on Feb. 20, 2019, for Divide in Concord.
The film follows Jean Hill, a fiery octogenarian, whom is deeply concerned about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Since 2010, she has spearheaded a grassroots campaign to ban the sale of single-serve plastic bottled water in her hometown of Concord, Massachusetts. Her fiercest challenge comes from Adriana Cohen, celebrity publicist-turned-pundit, who insists the bill is an attack on freedom. In the same town that incited the American Revolution and inspired Thoreau’s environmental movement, can one senior citizen make history? (See the trailer.)
6:30 p.m. conversation, networking, and a light meal, followed by the screening at 7 p.m.. Free to the public, though donations are kindly appreciated. For more information, see the Facebook event.Sign up for information about this event and other green film news at constantcontact.com.
Toward a Better Future: Transforming the Climate Crisis
CEC is pleased be a promotional partner for “Toward a Better Future: Transforming the Climate Crisis,” a symposium presented by the Rothko Chapel and the University of St. Thomas from Feb. 28-March 2, 2019. The symposium will explore the current climate crisis, its impact on vulnerable communities, and mitigation efforts being implemented locally and nationally. A central focus will be on individual and institutional actions, practices and policies that must be taken to create a more livable and equitable future. To see the full schedule and to register, please visit rothkochapel.org.
CEC welcomes American YouthWorks as a new member
CEC Houston is pleased to welcome American YouthWorks as one of our newest member organizations. Established in 1975, the Austin-based organization’s purpose is to provide opportunities for youth to grow and serve. The organization now serves the entire community of Austin, helping young people realize their full potential with primary programs of YouthBuild Austin and Texas Conservation Corps. Read more about the organization here, or visit its website, americanyouthworks.org.
We have endeavored to confirm the events listed below. Please consider confirming directly with the hosts.
- Public Meetings to Share METRO Draft Transit Plan
METRO is gathering feedback on the $7.5 billion METRONext Moving Forward Plan. The draft regional transit plan was designed with the public’s input from a series of open houses and community events in 2017. METRO invites everyone to share their thoughts before METRO’s Board adopts a final plan. There are several public meeting planned across the METRO service area through February 11, 2019. Find the full list of meetings at metronext.org.
- 2045 Regional Transportation Plan meetings continue through Feb. 12
Continuing through February 12, the Houston-Galveston Area Council is hosting a series of public meetings on its 2045 Regional Transportation Plan. Each meeting will include an expert panel featuring “Transportation 101: What You Need to Know.†The panel will discuss future transportation projects in your area, air quality and transportation conformity, regional resiliency efforts, and when the 2045 RTP draft plan will be unveiled. The public comment period for the “2018 Call for Projects†draft selection closes on February 28. The comment period for the draft plan of the 2045 RTP and Transportation Conformity will open on March 19 and close on April 16. For more information and a list of the meetings, visit 2045rtp.com.
- Southeast Houston Mobility Plan Draft Recommendations Meetings
The 2018 Southeast Mobility Plan is the City of Houston’s multi-modal mobility study (inclusive of vehicular, transit, pedestrian, bicycle and freight) in the area bounded by Interstate 610 to the north, State Highway 288 to the west, Sam Houston Toll Road to the south, and Interstate 45 and Galveston Road to the east. There next scheduled meeting for the public to offer comment will be Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the Charlton Community Center (see the Facebook event). For more information, visit houstontx.gov. - Water Innovation Strategies of Excellence (WISE) Awards applications
The Water Innovation Strategies of Excellence (WISE) Awards recognize innovative strategies and projects in the Houston-Galveston region that serve as models for improving water quality. This program is overseen by the Natural Resource Advisory Committee, an advisory committee to the Houston-Galveston Area Council Board of Directors. Applications must be completed online by noon, Feb. 7, 2019. For more information, visit h-gac.com.
- Memorial Park Conservancy’s “Picnic for the Park”
On Feb. 7, 2019, Memorial Park Conservancy will hold its annual “Picnic for the Park” dinner and award ceremony at The Forest Club, 9950 Memorial Drive. The event raises critical funds for the day-to-day care of Memorial Park including its vast urban trail network that provides enjoyment, well-being, and connectivity for the millions of people who love the park. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit memorialparkconservancy.org.
- Public Meeting for the Commons at Hermann Park
On Feb. 7, 2019, from 6-8 p.m., Hermann Park Conservancy will hold a public meeting to gather ideas and feedback on the Commons at Hermann Park, a new addition located at the corner of Cambridge and Fannin Streets that will include a unique play area and plenty of gathering space for all Houstonians. The free meeting will be held at the Cherie Flores Garden Pavilion at the McGovern Centennial Gardens,1500 Hermann Drive. For more information, visit hermannpark.org.
- Surface Water Quality Monitoring training early registration ends Feb. 8
From March 18-21, 2019, the Environmental Institute of Houston at the University of Houston-Clear Lake will offer a two-part course following the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s (TCEQ) Surface Water Quality Monitoring (SWQM) guidelines. The training includes demonstration and hands-on practice with state-of-the-art sampling equipment, and attendees will receive a certification of completion at the end of the course. Early registration ends Feb. 8, and registration closes March 3. For more information, visit uhcl.edu.
- H-GAC Parks and Natural Areas Summit and Awards Ceremony
On Feb. 7, 2019, from 9 a.m.-noon, the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s Parks and Natural Areas Roundtable will hold the first Parks and Natural Areas Summit and Awards Ceremony at the H-GAC offices, 3555 Timmons Lane. The Summit will include presentations about various H-GAC programs that can provide goods, services, technical assistance, and funding for parks and natural areas projects. The event will also include the annual Parks and Natural Areas Awards recognition ceremony. For more information and to register, visit h-gac.com.
- “The Human Element” film screening and discussion
On Feb. 8, 2019, from 7-10 p.m., the Citizens’ Climate Lobby Third Coast Region will host a screening of the film The Human Element, which reveals how environmental change is affecting the lives of everyday Americans (see the trailer). The screening will be followed by a discussion with renowned environmental photographer James Balog, featured in the film. The event will be held at the University of Houston Student Center South. For more information and to register, visit eventbrite.com.
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby Third Coast Conference
On Feb. 9, 2019, from 9 a.m.-6 p.m., the Citizens’ Climate Lobby Third Coast Region will hold its Regional Conference, an opportunity for new and experienced CCL volunteers alike to learn, practice skills, inspire each other, and strategize how to move the country toward solving climate change. Participants will explore strategies for bridging the political divide, learn how to engage Congress effectively, hear from energy and carbon pricing leaders, and examine opportunities that carbon pricing offers the Gulf Coast. For more information, visit eventbrite.com.
- Houston Zoo Educator Day
On Feb. 9, 2019, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Houston Zoo will hold an Educator Day that allows area educators to outfit their classroom with Zoo activities. Resources and strategies for all grade levels will be offered.  Registration includes admission to the Zoo, free resources, activities and more. Credit hours are offered in three- or six-hour increments. For more information, visit houstonzoo.doubleknot.com.
- Urban Harvest 19th Annual Fruit Tree Sale
On Feb. 9, 2019, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Urban Harvest will hold its 19th Annual Fruit Tree Sale at Sawyer Yards, 2101 Winter Street. All trees have been specifically chosen for the Houston soil and climate. This family-friendly event also features the Green Thumbs Education Pavilion presented by Kroger, live music and food trucks. All proceeds will benefit Urban Harvest. Volunteering opportunities are also available. For more information, visit urbanharvest.org.
- Public Meeting on Health Risks Associated with the WA Parish plant
On Feb. 11, 2019, from 6-8 p.m., researchers from Rice University, the Sierra Club and Public Citizen will discuss the environmental and public health impacts of the WA Paish coal-fired power plant in Fort Bend County. The event will be held at University of Houston-Sugar Land’s Branch Library, 14010 University. For more information, visit the Facebook event. - Houston Botanic Garden Call for Volunteers
On Feb. 12, 2019, from 6:30-8 p.m., the Houston Botanic Garden will hold a volunteer orientation. HBG has many volunteer opportunities available from administrative and special events support to hosting site walks to getting your hands dirty in the Garden. For more information and to register, complete the online form.
- Texas Stream Team Training
The Houston-Galveston Area Council is planning three Texas Stream Team Phase I and II volunteer water quality monitor trainings across the region. The first training will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 15, 2019, at Buffalo Bayou Partnership, 1019 Commerce St. Currently more than 400 Texas Stream Team volunteers, including about 100 in the Houston-Galveston region, collect important water quality data on lakes, rivers, and streams as part of this statewide program. Registration is limited to 10 volunteers. To register and for more information, visit events.r20.constantcontact.com.
- Pearland Community-Wide Cleanup and Cigarette Litter Awareness events
On Feb. 16, 2019, the City of Pearland and Keep Pearland Beautiful are hosting two events: a Community-Wide Cleanup (see the Facebook event) from 7:30-9 a.m. beginning at Centennial Park; and a Cigarette Litter Awareness event from noon-3 p.m beginning at the Stella Roberts Recycle Center, 5800 Magnolia St. (see the Facebook event ). - Abandoned Crab Trap Removal
On Feb. 16, 2019, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Galveston Bay Foundation, in partnership with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, will facilitate a crab trap removal event in Anahuac and Bolivar. Volunteers can bring their own boat to help pull traps out of the water, or they can wait on land for boats to come in and help unload and smash the traps. Lunch will be provided, and opportunities to win prizes will be available. To register and for more information, visit galvbay.org.
- Texas Regional Alliance for Campus Sustainability 2019 Summit
From Feb. 17-19, 2019, the Texas Regional Alliance for Campus Sustainability (TRACS), a network of faculty members, students and sustainability professionals supporting higher education in Texas, will hold its 2019 Summit at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin. This year’s theme is “Bringing Environmental Justice to Campus.” For more information and to register, visit eventbrite.com.
TV: Texas Parks & Wildlife
Broadcast on KUHT Channel 8 at 3 p.m. each Saturday and on municipal access cable channels in Baytown, Deer Park, Houston, Texas City, Galveston, Nassau Bay, Pasadena, Seabrook, Sugar Land, and on HCC TV. More info on the TPWD website (* indicates a segment about the Houston area). For a preview, visit TPWD’s YouTube Page.
- A man crisscrosses Texas’s state parks from east to west, one step at a time
- Working to save Chester Island in Matagorda Bay and the birds who nest there
- Take a two-wheeled trip through the renewing Bastrop State Park
Additional Upcoming Events
- 2/18/19: “Climate Change” with Daniel Cohan, Ph.D.
- 2/19/19: RDA Spotlight Award and Lecture
- 2/20/19: Coastal Communities Water Quality Outreach Workgroup Meeting
- 2/20/19: Houston Wilderness Annual Luncheon
- 2/21/19: Coastal Basin Bacteria Reduction meeting (Bay City)
- 2/21/19: Solid Waste Workshop Series: Environmental Enforcement
- 2/21/19: Pollinators: Initiatives in The Woodlands
- 2/22/19: Houston Audubon Birdathon 2019 registration opens
- 2/23/19: Conservation, Ecology, and Environmental Career Fair 2019
- 2/24/19: “Climate Change and What You Can Do” webinar
- 2/26/19: Clean Waters Initiative Workshop
- 2/26/19: Wild Texas Film Tour
- 2/27/18: “If You Breathe It, Drink It, Sit on It – What’s In It?”
- 2/27/18: Urban Reads: I-45 Meets the Walkable City
- 2/28/19: 8th Annual Gulf Coast Water Conservation Symposium
- 3/2/19: Texas Wildlife & Woodland Expo
- 3/9/19: 47th Annual Buffalo Bayou Partnership Regatta
- 3/12/19: Coastal Basis Bacteria Reduction meeting (Lake Jackson)
- 3/21/19: Spring Creek Greenway Ambassador training begins
- 3/22/19: (Deadline) Society for the Advancement of Youth applications
- 3/23/19: Brew on the Bayou
- 3/30/19: River, Lakes, Bays ‘n Bayous Trash Bash
- 3/31/19: (Deadline) Scenic City Certification Program applications
- 4/6/19: Fight for Air Climb
- 4/6/19: Bayou Greenway Day
- 4/6/19: 4th Annual Pearland Clean and Green
- 4/4/18: Air Alliance Houston’s State of the Air
- 4/11-13/19: Galveston Feather Fest
- 4/13/19: Baytown Nature Center’s Nurture Nature Festival
- 4/15/19: The Great Texas Birding Classic opens (through 5/15)
- 4/22/19: Early registration ends for 2019 North American Prairie Conference (Clear Lake)