• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Houston Environmental News Update April 11, 2018

National Volunteer Week, April 15 to 21, 2018, is dedicated to recognizing and thanking the volunteers who lend their resources to support causes. Organizations are always looking for volunteers to lend a hand. Searching for volunteering opportunities in your community is relatively easy. Visit volunteermatch.org or volunteerhouston.org to see upcoming volunteer opportunities for your most cared for causes. 18 or…

Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee Agenda – Houston City Council – 04/06/18

The Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee considered the following agenda items at the April 3, 2018, meeting. The agenda items include the February 2018 Monthly Financial report, which includes a decrease of $10.7 million in the Dedicated Drainage & Street Renewal Fund, request for advanced funding of $362 million for Disaster Recovery, and a request for fifteen projects submitted to…

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