• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Houston City Council Agenda – July 12, 2017

This city will consider the following agenda items at the July 5, 2017, Houston Council Meeting.

2 – This request from Mayor to confirm appointment of Stephen Wright as Director of the Houston Parks and Recreation Department.

10 – This ordinance appropriates $230,000.00 out of the Parks and Recreation Dedication Fund to approve the General Services Department recommendation to acquire Tracts 36F and 36G, also known as, 7407 Scott Street, consisting of approximately 22,115 square feet of land. The Houston Parks and Recreation Department desires to purchase the unimproved property to incorporate the northwest corner of Scott Street and Mainer Street into Beech-White Park, providing a buffer to the existing park land, better access to park and future additional parking space.

15 – This ordinance approves and authorizes an amendment between Municipal Maintenance Agreement and Texas Department of Transportation for reimbursement cost to the City for Mowing and Litter Clean-up within certain State Highway underpasses. The amendment will provide the State to grant the City authority to enter certain highway underpasses to perform mowing and litter clean-up. The state shall reimburse the City for up to three mowing cycles per year at a rate of $34.29 per acre and up to 26 litter clean-up cycles per year at a rate of $15.00 per acre.

21 – This ordinance grants Corre Camino Services LLC. the right, privilege and franchise to collect, haul and transport solid waste and solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas.