• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Give Your Heart Out!

giving_tuesday_logostacked1Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday, the national day of giving back after the Thanksgiving holiday. Would you consider donating to the CEC to help us continue connecting our environmental community in 2017?

Thanksgiving has passed, and consumerism has gobbled down our Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Now it’s time to turn our hearts towards generosity and give back. This #GivingTuesday, CEC wants to give back, too, and tomorrow, when you purchase your individual membership for $40, we have some amazing deals for you:

And, for one-day only, on #GivingTuesday, receive an additional discount of $5 off of your tickets to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour when you use promotional code “GivingTuesday“.

Don’t miss out on these unbeatable bargains, and give back to CEC this #GivingTuesday.

In 2017, we hope to continue our valuable work of connecting our environmental community through our newsletter, greater Houston Environmental Summit and Wild & Scenic Film Festival, and advocating for the environment.

Please join us in the fight for a healthier environment, and donate to CEC today. Thank you for your gifts!