• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Need gift ideas for Valentines Day?

The Rice Farmers Market will have a Valentine’s Special on Tuesday, February 11, 2014. Vendors will sell Valentine-themed confections, and Salento will be selling wines and empanadas. This Valentines Day, give a gift that gives back, by adopting an endangered red-crown crane at the Houston Zoo on behalf of your Valentine. The birds are an endangered species. In Chinese mythology, the…

Houston Environmental News Update February 4, 2014

Houston Environmental News Update February 4, 2014 COALITION NOTES Urban Harvest Class: Pruning Your Grapes, Muscadines, Jujubes, Persimmons and Mulberries. Winter is the season for this garden maintenance activity so critical to healthy trees and successful fruit production. Learn by observing an experienced pruner. Winter is the season for this garden maintenance activity so critical to healthy trees and successful…

ECONOTES 2014-02-04: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region

Featured ‘Going local’ challenges chefs, farmers (David Kaplan – Houston Chronicle, 1/28/2014) A handful of Houston restaurants are “going local,” serving up menus sourced entirely from small farms and ranches in the area, or as close to Houston as the chefs can find. But that can turn a modestly priced meal into a credit-card stretcher, adding 50 percent or more…