• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

83rd Texas Legislature Regular Session, March 12, 2013

CEC is sharing information during the session about what bills our member groups and readers are tracking. More information is available at cechouston.org/category/texas-legislature/. As of March 12, 2013, 2361 bills have been filed by the Senate (up from 1415) and 4983 bills have been filed by the House (up from 3159). The last day to file bills was March 8,…

Houston Environmental News Update March 13, 2013

CEC NOTES Visions for a Greener Houston: A Huge Success! Back on schedule next week. COALITION NOTES Buffalo Bayou Partnership at the OKRA Charity Saloon Mixers on the Map Birdathon Brouhaha: Celebrate the Kickoff 2013 Buffalo Bayou Regatta Tour de Houston Presented by Apache Corporation Public Comment – Transportation Improvement Program Projects Going Green Sustainability Lecture: Energy Efficiency Upgrades for…

ECONOTES 2013-03-11: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region

Featured Houston’s Plan To Make Landfills Extinct (Co.EXIST, 3/4/2013) To increase the city’s dismal recycling rates, Houston’s government is trying something else: One Bin for All. It will collect all trash together in one bin and then convert it to biofuel. http://www.fastcoexist.com/ Houston can tranform utility easements into greenways – Opinion (Houston Chronicle, 3/1/2013) As the city and private donors…