• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Community Notes 08-06-2012

What Happens When Water Hits the Soil? Scientific Water Conservation Seminar. Water conservation and plant health begins and ends in the soil. By acquiring knowledge about how water and nutrients are stored in the soil, what affects the soil water availability has on plant health, and what are the key elements driving plant water use in the soil, water waste…

Coalition Notes 08-06-2012

H-GAC Regional Recycling Roundtable: Waste Audits. This roundtable will cover waste audits, understanding the results, and knowing how to implement changes and get results. Speakers include Candace Seger and Joanna Taczanowsky of Solid Waste Solutions and Sarah Mason of the City of Houston. The event will take place on August 9th, 10am-12pm at Houston-Galveston Area Council, Conference Room A, 2nd…

Houston Urban Gardeners (HUG) Meeting

Title: Houston Urban Gardeners (HUG) MeetingLocation: Houston Garden CenterLink out: Click hereDescription: Houston Urban Gardeners (HUG): Sept. 10, 6:30 – 8 PM, Houston Garden Center. Kevin Topek on landscaping, edible vegetables, fruits and herbs. Free.Start Time: 18:30Date: 2012-09-10End Time: 20:00

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