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  • info@cechouston.org

Community Notes 08-13-2012

Texas Coral Reefs: Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow. A public lecture, reception, and workshop will take place August 23rd-24th at the Baker Institute. The purpose of the Aug. 24 workshop on Texas coral reefs is to raise awareness of the reefs and banks on the Texas continental shelf with scientists and the public. At this event, scientists, policymakers and community leaders…

ECONOTES 2012-08-13: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region

Featured Nation’s Largest “Stream Bank” to Stem the Effects of Houston Growth (PR Newswire, 08/09/2012) The newly permitted Katy Prairie Stream Mitigation Bank (KPSMB), located on the 6,500 acre Warren Ranch, will be the nation’s largest stream mitigation bank. More than 20 miles of impaired and channelized waterways on the Warren Ranch will be restored to sinuous prairie creeks, easing…


Title: HANC ArBOOretumLocation: Houston Arboretum & Nature CenterLink out: Click hereDescription: Members’ only admission:10 – 11 a.m. Open to public: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Children and grown-ups alike are encouraged to wear costumes. Wear comfortable walking shoes to enjoy a forest trail with scattered trick-or-treat locations. Stops along the trail will include activities for kids to learn about native…

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