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  • info@cechouston.org

Houston Zoo – Pollinator Palooza

Title: Houston Zoo – Pollinator Palooza
Location: Houston Zoo
Link out: Click here
Description: Join The Houston Zoo as we celebrate animals worth making a buzz about! The bees and butterflies you see flying around play a very important role in our everyday lives and perform a vital role in fertilizing plants! Visit us on Saturday, June 23 and Sunday, June 24 to learn all about these amazing animals.

There will be special crafts and activities where you can have fun while learning about pollinators. Let the kids get their hands dirty as they contribute to our conservation programs by making seed balls! Our conservation team distributes them in areas that need more plants and grass for pollinators and insects to survive. Concealing the seeds in clay helps keep them away from birds and survive long enough to germinate and create a habitat where there was once empty land.

Visit our Keepers and learn about the pollinators we have at the Zoo, native plants that attract pollinators, info about responsible pest control, and more!
Start Date: 2012-06-23
Start Time: 09:00
End Date: 2012-06-24
End Time: 15:00