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Urban Harvest Class: Constructing the Home Fruit & Vege Garden

Title: Urban Harvest Class: Constructing the Home Fruit & Vege Garden
Location: Westbury Community Garden
Link out: Click here
Description: A bountiful garden can feed you with nutritious fresh vegetables, offer beauty and insight into nature and increase the value of your home property. A fruit and vegetable garden is an investment in your health and in the aesthetic beauty of your outdoor space. This class is outdoors in the Westbury Community Garden and each step of the planning process will be demonstrated or explained, such as choosing your site, selecting the proper soil, relevant irrigation options, utilizing the best tools and materials you will need for success. You also will have an opportunity to visit a home garden.
Dress for getting dirty, wear closed toe shoes, hat, sunscreen and bring water. If rain is predicted, bring a raincoat or parka. We have a large sheltered area for teaching. Bench seating available, limited number of chairs. Bring your own chair for more comfort. Class will be called off only if you receive a phone call. If you experience problems finding the location, call Gary on his cell 832-656-2819 for directions and assistance.
Gary Edmondson is Director of Education at Urban Harvest. He has been assisting in the building of school and community gardens since 2001. He has a large vegetable, fruit and habitat garden at his home.

There are no refunds on classes.

Instructor: Gary Edmondson

Date: Sat, Jun 9, 2012

Time:8:00 – 10:30 am

Location: Westbury Community Garden NOTE: located Dunlap at Fonmeadow; GPS coordinates: 29.638669, -95.495395

Start Time: 08:00
Date: 2012-06-09
End Time: 10:30