• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

My Houston 2040

Title: My Houston 2040Location: Rudyard’s Upstairs, 2010 Waugh DriveLink out: Click hereDescription: Houston Tomorrow, Air Alliance Houston, and the Citizens’ Transportation Coalition agree that Houstonians can build a better Houston today by thinking about the Houston we may inherit in 2040 and the Houston we want in 2040. Each happy hour will include time for networking and socializing, a topical…

H-GAC Environmental Awareness Roundtable

Title: H-GAC Environmental Awareness RoundtableLocation: H-GAC Conference Room A, Second FloorLink out: Click hereDescription: H-GAC started the Environmental Awareness Roundtable with the idea of developing a specific environmental campaign in order to present a unified brand and consistent message… That day is here. Back the Bay, developed by the Galveston Bay Estuary Program (GBEP), is modeled after TxDOT’s successful “Don’t…

Cedar Bayou Watershed Partnership Meeting

Title: Cedar Bayou Watershed Partnership MeetingLocation: Eddie V. Gray Wetlands CenterLink out: Click hereDescription: At the upcoming meeting, the Partnership will be discussing the Cedar Bayou Watershed Partnership and potential sources that cause water quality impairments in the Cedar Bayou Watershed. Specific topics that will be covered at the meeting include: Reviewing the project status Forming a Steering Committee of…

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