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ECONOTES 2010-12-29: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region

Featured Texas, Home To Big Oil, Takes Shine To Solar Power (Chris Baltimore – Planet Ark, 12/21/2010) Solar power is starting to become more popular in Texas. Texas has not been known to be most environmentally friendly state with all of the Big Oil companies, but an emphasis on solar power could help to change that. http://planetark.org/wen/60636 Senators To EPA:…

Community Notes 12-29-2010

Christmas Tree Recycling. This is Houston’s 20th year to recycle Christmas trees. The trees are converted into mulch, which helps to preserve the environment as well as save landfill space. There are drop-off sites located around Houston that will be accepting trees from December 27th through January 9th. To find a site near you, visit http://www.houstontx.gov/solidwaste/christmastree_recycling.html. GCG 2011 Deadline Extended….

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