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  • info@cechouston.org

Houston Climate Protection Alliance Documentary Screening

Title: Houston Climate Protection Alliance Documentary Screening
Location: First Universalist Unitarian Church, 5200 Fannin at Southmore, 2nd Floor
Link out: Click here
Description: The program for our monthly meeting will be “Earth 2100,” an ABC News program asking “Could This Be the Final Century of Our Civilization?”. The documentary follows the life of baby “Lucy” from birth until 2100. It personalizes the effect of humanity taking for granted and thus abusing the web of life that supports us. The documentary ends by presenting an alternative world possible after making the right

There is a lot of material — the video run time is 1 hour, 23 minutes.

For comments, resources, and research substantiating the plot, reporter Bob Woodruff and ABC deserve
respect for tackling this important subject.

This is a free event.
Start Time: 01:15 PM
Date: 2011-02-06