• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Transition Houston presents Training for Transition November 21-22, 2009

Transition Initiative leaders, steering group members, working group members, and those considering Transition in their communities will want to attend this training, which will follow the transition model in paying attention to both the outer work and the inner work necessary for a successful transition process. The course will be facilitated by Transition US trainers Bill Aal (from Seattle) and Zaida Amaral (from Albuquerque).  This will be a participatory process, with participants invited to share their own experience and learn from the many different transition initiatives represented at each course. Optional free activities, such as local garden tours, community organizing training, and potluck are planned for Friday, November 20. Attendance is limited to 25, on a first-come basis.  The course will be held at Sheldon Lakes State Park and Environmental Learning Center. http://transitionhouston.wordpress.com/about/