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Progressive Forum presents Dr. James Hansen, Premier Climatologist

Thursday October 29 at 7:30 at Wortham Center, Cullen Theater. “Presentation: Threat To The Planet, Implications for Intergenerational Justice.” Dr. James Hansen was the first to create broad awareness of global warming in his Congressional testimonies in the 1980s. His agency’s research has made the public aware that the climate is even more sensitive than previously thought, that the safe level of atmospheric C02 is 350 ppm (parts per million) and must be returned to below that level over time. The current CO2 concentration is now at 387 ppm and rising steadily. Hanson says the climate is nearing tipping points “that would be irreversible—if we do not promptly slow fossil fuel emission ….” James Hansen is the director of the leading U.S. governmental agency responsible for atmosphere and space studies. Government regulators preclude us from naming the agency in advertising, describing his Forum appearance as “personal/outside activity.” Dr. Hansen is making a rare and timely public appearance just prior to the critical Copenhagen Climate Conference in December whose purpose is to forge an international climate treaty. He does not have a book, his articles will be available, he will greet fans at the end of the evening. http://www.progressiveforum.com