• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org


The Center for the Study of the Environment and Society (CSES) at Rice will be hosting a visit from BioTour on Monday, March 17th. BioTour is a traveling environmental educational program transported in a vegetable powered school bus. At noon, CSES will host a presentation in Farnsworth Pavilion in the RMC. The event is free and open to the public. For lunch, RSVP to cses@rice.edu. The BioTour crew will give a short presentation about their bus, their mission, and their travels. The bus will be shown from 1 to 3 pm outside the RMC. At 1:30, there will be a demonstration of the vegetable oil conversion unit. At 3, CSES will host a seminar about peak oil, renewable energy options, and climate change with the BioTour members in Sammy’s at the RMC. Drinks and snacks will be provided.