• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org


The number of subscribers to the CEC Update has increased to 9,100 from 6,500 a year ago, thanks to the many of you who have referred your members and co-workers. We want your help to bring our subscribership to 10,000 by the end of August. CEC’s publishing programs are supported through foundation grants and showing continued increase in subscribers will help attract more funding, allowing us to increase our reporting of regional environmental news. You can help by forwarding this update to a friend who would benefit from hearing about the work of environmental groups and activities in our region. We don’t share our lists with anyone, don’t ask for money, and send only one news update a week. Instructions for subscribing (and unsubscribing) are at the end of the weekly message. Another way to help build circulation would be to include a link to the CEC website on your group’s website.