• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Environmental Resource Guide

The Environmental Resource Guide is a searchable, web-based resource that includes information about all organizations in the Greater Houston Area conducting environmental work. This guide is a one-stop-shop for any resources or connections you may need, and is updated often to ensure you have access to the newest information.

Scroll through the guide, view a list of all organizations, or view all categories of organizations below. At the very bottom of the page is an archive containing older versions of the printed guide available for download.

If you have any questions, would like to make edits to a current listing, or would like to add or remove an organizations, please reach out to us.

Photo of Houston Tomorrow Houston Tomorrow
(713) 523-5757

Purpose: Houston Tomorrow is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for all the people of the Houston region through research, education, and discussion. Its vision is that on its 200th birthday, the Houston region will be home to the healthiest, happiest, most prosperous people in the United States.…

Photo of Houston Canoe Club Houston Canoe Club
(832) 909-3843

Purpose: Established in 1964, the Houston Canoe Club’s members are interested in all types of paddlesport from canoeing to kayaking, quietwater, whitewater, touring and racing. We do it all and have fun doing it. Canoe safety presentations are available for school groups.

Meeting Time: 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at the Bayland Community Center, 6400 Bissonnet Street, Houston, TX 77074.…

Photo of Texas Community Watershed Partners Texas Community Watershed Partners
(281) 218-0570

Purpose: To provide education and outreach to local governments and citizens on the impacts of land use on watershed health and water quality.

Major Events: Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Courses, and Classes.

Volunteer Opportunities: Restoration Projects, Conservation Projects, Landscape Installation Projects, and Wetland Workdays.


  • Can Houston Feed Itself?
Photo of Urban Harvest Urban Harvest
(713) 880-5540

Purpose: Cultivating thriving communities through gardening and access to healthy, local food.

Programs: Every year, Urban Harvest conducts more than 100 classes on a variety of subjects ranging from canning vegetables to living sustainably through permaculture principles. We offer advice, education, and services to provide parents, teachers, and administrators with information to build and maintain a successful and sustainable school garden program. The Urban Harvest Farmers Markets bring the bounty of the garden to Houstonians several times a week year round, rain or shine. Urban Harvest supports more than 130 community gardens planted with a variety of goals.…

Photo of Armand Bayou Nature Center Armand Bayou Nature Center
(281) 474-2551

Purpose: To preserve 2,500 acres of vanishing coastal prairie, hardwood forest and bayou wilderness habitat and wildlife refuge; to give opportunities to experience and understand the remaining natural ecosystem; to reconnect people with nature.

Programs: Year–round adult, child, and family programs including Third Sundays in Nature Series, FREE to the public; Eco-Exploration pontoon boat and canoe trips; guided day and night hikes; Eco-Camp summer and holiday camps; Great Texas Birding Trail Site 81; Teachers can receive SBEC credit for classes.…

Photo of White Oak Bayou Association White Oak Bayou Association

Purpose: To promote greater public awareness, appreciation, and enjoyment of White Oak Bayou, its tributaries and environs by advocating the preservation, restoration, and maintenance of the natural wildlife habitats thereof, while promoting compatible educational and recreational opportunities within the area. White Oak Bayou Association was founded in May 1986.

Meetings: Monthly: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.…

Photo of BikeHouston, Inc. BikeHouston, Inc.

Purpose: The mission of BikeHouston is to promote safe bicycling and to improve the quality of life in the Houston area.  Goals -secure equitable access to regional facilities, lands and roads -educate the public about rights and responsibilities of bicyclists -promote public awareness of the personal and community benefits of cycling Meeting Time: Varies, see website.

Photo of The Woods Project, Inc. The Woods Project, Inc.
(281) 371-6696

Purpose: To develop leadership capacity and life skills in low income youth through a series of outdoor education/environmental awareness programs at wilderness sites in the United States. Goals: • To prepare students for college and beyond by fostering life skills and mindsets through outdoor education; • To provide hands-on science lessons in a natural environment; • To empower students to take advantage of leadership opportunities; • To teach students how to adapt to/accept and engage in foreign environments; and • To give students the opportunity to succeed in new endeavors.…

Photo of Houston History Archives (UH-HHA) Houston History Archives (UH-HHA)
(713) 743-9750

Purpose: Founded 2005 as part of the Houston History Project (now the Welcome Wilson Houston History Collaborative), UH Center for Public History, UH-HHA is a public repository for books, documents, oral histories, and images related to the Houston region’s growth and development from 19th century to present. Particular areas of collection interest include energy development, environmental history and activism, and documentation of Houston’s ethnic diversity and activism.…

Photo of SPARK School Park Program SPARK School Park Program
(832) 393-0911

Purpose: The SPARK School Program works with schools and neighborhoods to develop community parks on public school grounds. In the past 30 years, SPARK has built over 200+ community parks throughout the Houston/Harris County area. Each park is unique, with its design based on ideas and needs of the school and surrounding neighborhoods.…

Photo of Blueprint Houston Blueprint Houston
(713) 522-0590

Purpose: To promote the evolution and implementation of Plan Houston as the basis for planning the City’s future. Blueprint Houston serves as a resource and catalyst for better long-term planning for Houston’s future growth and development.

Blueprint Houston was founded in 2003 to build community support for a coordinated planning process to make improvements to Houston’s quality of life.…

Photo of Houston Urban Gardeners Houston Urban Gardeners

Purpose: Houston Urban Gardeners’ mission is to create an informed active gardening community of people growing their own vegetables, fruits, and herbs year-round in Metro Houston. They do this through programs on all aspects of growing food. 

Programs:  Monthly meetings on topics such as:

  • leaving a legacy of better soil
  • eating organic wholesome food with a known history
  • getting more production with less time and having more fun
  • getting to know like-minded people and sharing what you know with others
  • restoring respect for the earth and the environment
  • forming a gardening support network/community
  • feeling good because you can share food with hungry people
  • supporting our local Houston economy by buying supplies from local vendors

Meetings: HUG meets on the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm at the West Gray Metropolitan Multi-Service Center (1475 W Gray St, Houston, TX 77019) in the Montrose/River Oaks area near Waugh Drive.…

Photo of Coalition for Environment, Equity, and Resilience (CEER) Coalition for Environment, Equity, and Resilience (CEER)

Purpose: To raise awareness of the connections between pollution, place and the public’s health. CEER envisions a region that is equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically strong; where residents have the opportunity to live, work, learn, play, and pray free from environmental hazards. CEER advocates for public and private investment in protecting communities by cleaning up hazards that contaminate air, water, and land.…

Photo of University of Houston: Office of Sustainability University of Houston: Office of Sustainability

Purpose: The University of Houston Office of Sustainability serves as the hub for campus sustainability efforts. Engaging the campus and community, the office fosters collaboration and educates individuals about social, economic and environmental factors that impact today’s society and generations to come. On-campus sustainability initiatives include academic programs and research, educational events, the campus community garden, single-stream recycling, water bottle refill stations, renewable energy use, sustainable transportation, green building and more.…

Photo of Houston Renewable Energy Group Houston Renewable Energy Group

Purpose: HREG is a local chapter of the Texas Solar Energy Society, with a mission to further the development of renewable energy and related arts, sciences, and technologies, with concern for the ecological, social, and economic fabric of our community and state. Members support local events, host the Houston Renewable Energy tour, and in general work to educate the community on the benefits of renewable energy.…

Photo of Houston Zoo Wildlife Conservation Program Houston Zoo Wildlife Conservation Program
(713) 533-6500

Purpose: Our mission is to make the Houston Zoo a leader in conservation as it relates to the survival of threatened wildlife, wise use of natural resources, and the appreciation of our natural world by zoo visitors.

Publications: Members quarterly Wildlife Magazine.

Major Events: Conservation Gala, Call of the Wild Speakers Series, Earth Day, Feast with the Beasts, Zoobilee, Zoo Boo, Spotlight on Species Weekends.…

Photo of Vegan for Life Vegan for Life
(832) 202-3806

Purpose: Vegan for Life’s mission is to educate the public about the benefits of a plant-based diet, including the prevention of unnecessary killing and mistreatment of animals, protection of the environment, and good health. Vegan for Life aims to increase recognition of veganism as an effective approach that individuals can take to help save the planet and spread compassion.…

Photo of Surfrider Foundation – Texas Chapter Surfrider Foundation – Texas Chapter

Purpose: To preserve and protect the Texas coast and its recreational resources. To defend the Texas Open Beaches Act. Our issues are water quality, beach access, erosion, and coastal development. Our goal is to stand on the beach 30 years from now and be able to say, “We made the right decisions.” We were founded in 1999.…

Photo of Native Prairies Association of Texas Native Prairies Association of Texas
(512) 772-4741

Purpose: The Native Prairies Association of Texas (NPAT) is a non-profit membership organization and land trust dedicated to the conservation, restoration, and appreciation of native prairies, savannas, and other grasslands in Texas. NPAT protects over 2000 acres of native Texas grassland, including over 100 acres of endangered/threatened tallgrass prairie. In 2010, NPAT started its first local chapter in Houston to allow members in the metro area to meet and discuss local and regional projects and raise awareness for the organization in the Texas Gulf Coast region.…

Photo of Memorial Park Conservancy Memorial Park Conservancy
(713) 863-8403

Purpose: To preserve, restore, and enhance Memorial Park for the enjoyment of all Houstonians, today and tomorrow.

Major Events: “4 the Park” Fun Run, Golf Tournament, Green Gala.

Volunteer Opportunities: Corporate, school group and individuals; ongoing Bridge Club, trail maintenance, conservation and administrative.

Speakers Bureau: Yes.…

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